More Graphics Card Help

Sep 7, 2003
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since off-topic has seen a lot of Graphics cards threads recently, i thought i would jump on the bandwagon.

I am looking to buy a new graphics card. Not top of the range but decent. I can only buy from one shop (url given below), for various reasons.

Which card on the list, which costs less than £50.01 should I get?? There are 3 pages of cards on the site, and any help would be much appreciated.


link here.
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Steve-O posted on Mar 13 2004 at 05:28 PM said:
lynx2oo2 posted on Mar 13 2004 at 05:12 PM said:
I personally would get this, but if you cant get the extra £5 for it, go for This or this
If thats your Max price you can goto and you cant go any higher, then get one of them.... But I Highly recommend you go for a Geforce 4 Ti4200 like this one for an extra £7 its Much Faster than them FX5200...
Maybe the price is flexible but the shop definitely is not. I also *need* it for Monday evening, so I need to get the best of what they have in stock.

Lynx2002- They were the ones i was looking at. I was personally veering toward this one - link.

Anyone elses opinions would be much appreciated, as you can probably tell I am not a graphics card expert.
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ok this is my specialty, i love graphics cards. so i would recomend this one Here another thing is why would you only get it from there. but back to the graphics cards i have a NVIDIA FX 5600 128 which is a little less powerful than that one but really close. they work fine with almost any program and if your a gamer like me (why i love graphics cards) it will allow you to put up the graphics settings all they way up for everything the best they give you those are very good cards get it get it now.

Hmmm the link didn't go where i wanted it to so i'll tell you what the card was.
ATI Radeon 9600 128Mb SE/T/DVI

Ex VAT: £49.38 Inc VAT: £58.02 very good price too :D
futuredestroyer posted on Mar 14 2004 at 05:06 AM said:
ATI Radeon 9600 128Mb SE/T/DVI

Ex VAT: £49.38 Inc VAT: £58.02 very good price too :D
is that DirectX 8 or 9 Compatable...???
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My current card is a crappy ATI 3d Rage card from about 5 years ago. I dont really use my pc for gaming, I mainly use my Xbox.

The only game I really want to play on my PC is Pro Evolution Soccer 3 (although that will change when i get it), and i don't want to wait untill October/November for PES4 to come out on Xbox.

I can only shop at the one shop because I have credit there.

Thanks for the help guys. You have made my mind clearer, if not perfectly clear yet. ;)

dazmanultra posted on Mar 15 2004 at 01:18 AM said:
I would go for a Ti4200 or a Radeon 9600.
yup... The FX5200 is NOT the way to go... you might as well just add the little extra for a card thats Much better like the Ti4200 if you like Nvidia Cards like I do cos of the 3D Stereo Glasses you can get off Ebay for £20 (I think they are only compatable with Nvidia Cards).....
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I ended up getting a Radeon 9600. Its only a SE though.

Its working..... and brilliantly. It seems to do everything I wanted and am very pleased. Thanks for the help guys. :)