Myriad Update


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hia folks,

After releasing the taster of the little game wot I have been writing :), I have now updated a few things on it.

1. Ship dynamics are much better, cross-hair is more responsive.
2. The ship bounces off enemies.
3. Spike enemy created and running, not firing yet.
4. Energy meter working.
5. The game has been optimised somewhat, and should run a lot smoother.


Download Myriad
I haven't written the lives system in yet, so if you die that's it. And when you have destroyed all the Buildings, it doesn't send you on to the next city. Still lots to do though...

Okey Doke, another update, this one is really bringing the game into it actually being playable.

It hasn't been tested on a GP2X yet, so if someone can do that and please let me know if the FPS (Top left) goes below 30.

Myriad Download

Things added are:
Explosion Particles (Thanks Quiest)
And some little refinements here and there.

Hope you like!
sam fisher posted on Aug 27 2006 at 10:51 PM said:
The particles, atm, are really hammering the CPU.
Download it again, I have removed particles from the buildings.. should be a lot better now :)
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Another update. Beta 3.1 now. It's actually taking shape as a game now :)

Myriad Beta 3.1

Sparks added to all explosions without any slow down.
Menu Added.
Pause added for game play.
In game message system added.
The game has been optimised somewhat, and should run a lot smoother.
Music added to Menu (this is not the music that will finally be used, it's just a test).