Need Hosting And Mirrors For Some Gp32opie Stuff


Certified Guru
i need some fast hosting (up and down) [ ~ 50MB]
to put some toolkit , and packs for gp32linux opie


i will have a little more time starting next week
i am looking for compatibilty with ipaq familiar and openzaurus
i sent some apps to toholl to test the mouse driver

so expect maybe some pre-alpha release next weekend
[ if i found hosting ;) ]

just in time for the competition
freshmeat doest do hosting, well i dont know if i can put everthing, it s binary releases
have to ask i think
If you're looking for a pay host, try Ripplehost (link in my sig). Incredibly cheap, $9.99 USD a YEAR, for 200mb space, 4gigs bandwidth/month and tons of stuff.