:\ Linux is free (as in freedom!) software, you are free to pronounce it however you like.
Being Australian, I pronounce it Line - Ucks. Just like I pronounce Linus like Line - Us(That pronounciation can also be seen in The Simpsons, when they did a 'behind the scenes' episode - why the HELL did I remember that?). Were I speaking directly to Swedish/Finnish people, in Swedish or Finnish(which I hope to learn someday - both of them), I'd change my pronounciation, like I would speaking German instead of English. But, as Line-Ucks is the norm in Aussie-English, at least around people I know, I use that...it's kinda like indenting your code. If you're doing a tutorial, you'll often make the spaces large(I always tab btw - spaces ftl. Only time I use spaces is when I call a function I defined myself, and that's rare because I forget). Otherwise, you have your preference of a single space, 3 spaces, or no indents at all

But yeah, Lean-Ucks is (an approximation) of how Linus Torvalds says it, and how you should if you are unsure/want to be a perfectionist/etc. Just play that clip

Well, English really, really really sucks. Learn a language-other-than-english and you'll see for yourself

. I guess it's what happens to languages of conquest. Germany didn't do much of that and so the language is pretty much the same, in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, as far as i've heard from people from each of those countries - YMMV(ew YMMV feels weird when talking about people

Iron is one word that just shouldn't exist the way it does. I pronounce that kinda like 'Ion', that gets annoying when talking about 'Iron Ions'

. I've heard 'Eye - ron', and that person wasn't joking. And 'Arn', too.
Linn-icks annoys the *shit* outta me. How the hell do people reach that one? No offense, carry on, but what? Do people not get that Unix/Minix and Linux are different? That's all I could come up with. What?