New versions of Echo for Wiz and Caanoo (and PC)


Dec 6, 2009
Hello there, long time no see (yeah, yeah, Sonic; your game is this that way, please):

OK, so I was playing with my old Wiz when I thinked it was about time to put an end to my biggest project until now, and start making the game the way it meant to be. So, I took the code of "the amazing adventures of Echo", did a BIG clean and start adding all the features this game was missing.
Unfortunely, it was a big task, so I thinked to release a first update of the game, and then continue to the game completion on version 1.4.

So today I announce the upload to openhandhelds the Wiz and Caanoo versions of "The amazing adventures of Echo" v1.3.2
There are lots of changes, most of them you cannot see, but what about new backgrounds? Or the first and second screens of a brand new level (still in developement)? Or the real ending of the game, using one of the missed compositions of _-Caleb-_?

I upload it now because vacations (sorry), and I needed to do some screenshots for the download in GIF format.
There is still a PC version of the game, where you can enjoy full game. There are still some performance issues with Wiz and Caanoo (I'm working on it) so I do not recommend to activate backgrounds and foregrounds in the handhelds versions.


So, for the final 1.4 version, I will add the remaining sublevel and another new level, with two new gameplays styles (still a platformer exploration shooter... kind of ^^U), and I will work hard to solve the performance issues.


And it's working nicely on the Pandora :D (and looks like a very nice game).

to use it on the Pandora, download the windows version of the game, unzip it somewhere, and using latest Codeblocks command line, cd inside "echo_game" launch it using:

You can go in configuration and activate Background and Foreground scrolling :)


  • Echo02.png
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And it's working nicely on the Pandora :D (and looks like a very nice game).

to use it on the Pandora, download the windows version of the game, unzip it somewhere, and using latest Codeblocks command line, cd inside "echo_game" launch it using:

You can go in configuration and activate Background and Foreground scrolling :)
Any chance of a PND of this? (pretty please?) it looks like good retro fun!

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
@ptitSeb Well, OK, if you can configure Pandora gamepad directly on the game, why not?
I'm not going to do a Pandora or Ouya official versions because I haven't got the consoles. I only can port the game to the devices I own. I did the Caanoo version when I won one of them on a contest ^^U
There is an old port for Wii, but has a lot of bugs (hangs randomly, I think because music is in an unsupported format), and I'm talking with a friend of Bennu forums for an semi-official port to Dreamcast (is "semi" because I'm writing some specific code for DC, just the default controls and resolution. I'm not sure how far is it going).

If someone donate a Pandora to me... Just joking :D. I can try a semi-official port if someone tell me the equivalent keys in Bennu for a default controls, and tell me the main resolution of Pandora. I don't know if I can do something with the 16:9 ratio, Echo was not designed for different resolutions.

@gameblabla We can talk on BennuGD forum for the Ouya port, but I don't know how is the BennuGD port on Ouya. I need to talk with Pixel... I mean Panreyes, who has one and did some ports.

By the way, the "enhanced" graphics, or "styled" as I call them, are made by FBustamante, not for me ^^U. If everything is going according to plan, the secuel will have a kickstarter, and I can pay him for making all the new art :D :D :D
@drumpi : controls are already working, I have hacked the bennugd runtime so Pandora buttons are mapped to bennugd buttons (not sure for L and R).

Pandora native resolution is 800x480.

The game is running fine out of the box.
[doublepost=1475352232,1475346296][/doublepost]So, here is a pnd of it: Echo.pnd

I have updated and recompiled my version of bennugd, as the one I had had some issue (visual problem, some part were not refreshed correctly like if some broken dirty rectangle). This version is working fine (and will be inside next codeblocks).

Enjoy the game, and if it's ok, I'll upload to the repo.
You don't need to hack Bennu to change controls, you have access to the sourcecode (and, for any question, Splinter will answer it, and maybe it put it in the official release) :D
Mmm, the resloution is a 2xScale 16:9 Wiz resolution. I have to ask if there is a way to resize game with the same ratio. I think there is a function that can resize the image and maintain ratio with black bands to the left and right, automatically.

I had some dirty rects problems too with scaled resolutions. It was a bug of BennuGD r333, and it's solved on r335.

By the way. Did I mentioned I uploaded to openhandhelds my last contribution to the crap-compo for , Wiz, Caanoo and GP2X? :D I hope you liked NES "Action 52"... I mean, space shooters :p
Yep, the updated bennugd works perfectly (and I used it for the PND).

I haven't find your "Action 52"-like game on openhandhelds. Can you put a link to it?
Ok, I'm going to, but in other thread. I want order in this one.

...But it's easy to find: is one of the lastest games uploaded on Openhandhelds, so check the top of the left list :D
I'm afraid not for PC. My "web" don't allow me to upload big files, so I'm uploading there my projects until I have a new website (but I don't know nothing about web programming, so... ^^U)

BUT, if you really don't want to give me an +1 download or comments :)D) you have an alternative:
- Download the Wiz or Caanoo versions.
- Unzip the content to a new folder on your PC.
- Delete the content of the folder bgd-runtime (the content, not the folder itself).
- Go to -> downloads and get the r335 Windows RAR version of BennuGD.
- Open the RAR, go to the BennuGD folder and copy all the content (only the files) into the bgd-runtime folder you cleaned before.
- Open notepad and copy this script:

set BENNUROOT=../bgd-runtime
set JUEGO=echo
bgdi %JUEGO%.dcb

- Save it as echo.bat in the echo_game folder.
- Congratulations, you have ported the game to your PC (again).

This process may be the same for Linux port or Dingux, I think, except the .BAT creating part, where you will have to make a .sh or whatever de Dingux use.