Non-flu Gp32 For Sale In Us


Chocobo Tamer

I have a GP32 for sale. It includes system, cable and disk with drivers. I am only selling, unless you want ot trade a big package for a Tapwave Zodiac. The screen is almost scrattch free. Has little marks around the plastic that covers the screen. Please post offers here or email me at

Overclocks to 156mhz in OS9XGP and sometimes 16omhz on fresh batteries. $50 is kinda low. I want at least $100. i got a 128mb SMC also. Wil sell both for $125 shipped.
If it's already registered and you're willing to send it to Canada, I'll give you the $120 (in US dollars) you're asking for and pay the extra shipping. PM me if you're interested.