Official Best Games For Nes


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
Another "Best Games" topic, post your favorites here with a short description (aka blurb) or link to one! The game's compatibility with current GP32 emulators would also be a welcome addition. All other "Best Games" topics for NES will be merged into here.
Adventure Island - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Adventure Island II - Sidescrolling Adventure, 7/10
Adventure Island III - Sidescrolling Adventure, 7/10
Adventure Island IV - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Adventures In The Magical Kingdom - Adventure, 7/10
Adventures of Lolo - Puzzle, 8/10
Adventures of Lolo 2 - Puzzle, 8/10
Adventures of Lolo 3 - Puzzle, 8/10
Bad Dudes - Sidescrolling Action, 6/10
Balloon Fight - Action, 7/10
Battletoads - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Battletoads & Double Dragon - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Bionic Commando - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Bomberman - Action, 8/10
Bomberman 2 - Action, 7/10
Boy And His Blob, A - Sidescrolling Adventure, 6/10
Bubble Bobble - Puzzle, 8/10
Bubble Bobble Part 2 - Puzzle, 8/10
Bucky O'Hare - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Bump'n'Jump - Racing, 6/10
Castlevania - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Castlevania 2 - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Castlevania 3 - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 - Sidescrolling Adventure, 7/10
Clu Clu Land - Puzzle, 7/10
Contra - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Contra Force - Sidesrolling Action, 7/10
Donkey Kong - Action, 7/10
Donkey Kong Jr. - Action, 7/10
Donkey Kong 3 - Action, 5/10
Donkey Kong Classics - DK + DK Jr, 8/10
Donkey Kong Jr. Math - Math Game, 7/10
Double Dragon - Beat 'Em Up, 8/10
Double Dragon II - Beat 'Em Up, 8/10
Double Dragon III - Beat 'Em Up, 8/10
Downtown - Nekketsu Koushin Kyoku - Soreyuke Dai Undoukai - RCR Style Track Racing, 8/10
Downtown Special - Kunio Kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zenin Shuugou! - Beat 'Em Up, 7/10
Dr. Mario - Puzzle, 8/10
Dragon Warrior - RPG, 8/10
Dragon Warrior II - RPG, 8/10
Dragon Warrior III - RPG, 8/10
Dragon Warrior IV - RPG, 8/10
Duck Tales - Sidescrolling Adventure, 7/10
Duck Tales 2 - Sidescrolling Adventure, 7/10
Duck Hunt - Zapper Game shoot ducks, 7/10
EarthBound 0 - Quirky RPG, 8/10
Excitebike - Dirt Biking, 7/10
Famicon Wars - Tactics game, 8/10
Felix the Cat - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Final Fantasy - RPG, 8/10
Freedom Force - Zapper game, 7/10
Friday the 13th - Horro game, 6/10
Galaga - Upward Shooter, 7/10
Gauntlet - Overhead Beat 'Em Up, 8/10
Gauntlet 2 - Overhead Beat 'Em Up, 8/10
Ghosts'N Goblins - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Golgo 13 - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Guardian Legend, The - Overhead Shooter, 7/10
Guerrilla War - Overhead Action, 6/10
Gyromite - R.O.B Game, 6/10
Hogan's Alley - Zapper Gun Game, 7/10
Ice Climber - Upwardscrolling Adventure, 7/10
Kid Icarus - Upwardscrolling Adventure, 8/10
Kid Klown - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
King Kong 2 - Overhead Adventure plays like Zelda, 7/10
Knight's Knight - Overhead Shooter, 7/10
Kirby's Adventure - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Kung Fu - Sidescrolling Beat 'Em Up, 7/10
Kung Fu Heroes - Overhead Beat 'Em Up, 7/10
Legend of Zelda - Overhead Adventure, 8/10
Little Nemo - The Dream Master - Sidescrolling Adventure, 8/10
Maniac Mansion - Adventure, 8/10
Mario Bros. - Action, 8/10
Mega Man - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Mega Man 2 - Sidescrolling Action, 9/10
Mega Man 3 - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Mega Man 4 - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Mega Man 5 - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Mega Man 6 - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Metal Gear - Overhead Action, 7/10
Metroid - Sidescrolling Adventure, 9/10
Mickey Mousecapade - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Mighty Final Fight - Beat 'Em Up, 7/10
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - Boxing, 9/10
Milon's Secret Castle - Sidescrolling Action, 6/10
Monster In My Pocket - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Monster Party - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Ninja Gaiden - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Ninja Gaiden 3 - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Pac-Man - Eat 'Em Up, 7/10
Panic Restaurant - Sidescrolling Action, 8/10
Penguin Kun Wars - Ball Throwing, 7/10
Pirates! - Arrgh, 7/10
Popeye - Ugh UghGughGughGugh, 8/10
Princess Tomato In Salad Kingdom - Quest, 7/10
Pro Wrestling - Wrastler', 7/10
Punch-Out!! - Less Mike, 9/10
Rainbow Islands - The Story Of Bubble Bobble 2 - Addictive Game List, 8/10
Renegade - Beat 'Em Up, 7/10
River City Ransom - Best Beat 'Em Up Ever BARF!, 9/10
Rollerball - Pinball, 8/10
Rygar - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Shinobi - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Silver Surfer - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Snake's Revenge - Overhead Action, 6/10
Splatterhouse - Wanpaku Graffiti - Sidescrolling Horror, 8/10
Spy Hunter - Overhead Shooter, 7/10
Spy vs Spy - Sneak Around, 6/10
StarTropics - Overhead Action, 9/10
StarTropics 2 - Zoda's Revenge - Overhead Action, 8/10
Super C - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
Super Dodge Ball - DDDDOOODGGEE BAALLLLLLLL!!!!!, 8/10
Super Mario Bros. - You Know, 8/10
Super Mario Bros. 2 - Yep, 8/10
Super Mario Bros. 3 - You Know It, 9/10
Sweet Home - Horror RPG, 9/10
TaleSpin - Sidescrolling Action, 7/10
TMNT - Overhead/Sidescrolling Action, 9/10
TMNT II - Heroes In A Half Shell, 9/10
Tetris - Addictive Game List, 8/10
Tetris 2 - Not So Addicting, 5/10
Urban Champion - Fighter, 7/10
Volleyball - Heads Up!, 6/10
Wario's Woods - Addictive Game List, 8/10
Wrecking Crew - Knock Stuff Down, 7/10
Yo! Noid - Sidescrolling Fun With The Noid!, 8/10
Yoshi - Puzzle, 7/10
Yoshi's Cookie - Same Thing, 7/10
Zelda II: Adventure Of Link - Shadow Link Is In This One, 8/10

I second Kirby's Adventure. :D

Dragon Warrior 4 should be good too, even though I've never played it, but I DID play the previous 3 and I liked them very much (I have the updated and generally superior GBC versions). ;)
There is a terrific version of Elite for the NES and it runs pefectly on GP32 if you use the public domain NTSC hacked version on LittleJohn.

Elite and Super Mario Bros are the only NES games I play.
I add north&south....its a tactic game with a world map, but when armys fight, you have to control riders, cannon and people with a gun....dunno how theyre called in english ^^

takes some time to learn, but its cool...some special events like robbing a train (1player robs, 2player defends) and stealing the enemy's train stations (same as above) brnig extra fun :)
Batman and Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu... two great side scrolling action games that not enough people know about or have played... get them now!