Pandora Button


Oct 3, 2008
When I press the Pandora button nothing happens, and when I hold it down, I do not get a task list or any ability to terminate tasks. It's a brand new Pandora, so I haven't had enough time to screw things up yet :) How do I get this working?

When I press the Pandora button nothing happens, and when I hold it down, I do not get a task list or any ability to terminate tasks. It's a brand new Pandora, so I haven't had enough time to screw things up yet :) How do I get this working?


Have you tried pressing it and holding it, or giving the button a wiggle just incase dust or something like that is trapped under it?

It would be suprising if it's broken as when they are tested we have to use that button to power the unit down twice...
The button itself works, at least as far as op_test_inputs tells me it does. However, pressing it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I am running XFCE not the mini-menu if that matters.
After further digging, I found this:

"The use of the Pandora button for menu/kill was un-reliable as of hotfix3. (Fixed in git, not released yet)"

Here: XFCE Keyboard Layout

Any idea when this might get released?
It's definitely less than intuitive at the moment. I thought it wasn't working at all for a while there, but now I've got the feel of it and it works consistently.

You have to hold it in for perhaps longer than you think you'll have to - a good 5 to 6 seconds, count them out - and the dialogue should appear after you release the button. Sometimes, depending on what you're running I guess, the dialogue appears 'behind' the app, totally out of sight. If you think this might be happening, try operating the kill dialogue blindly by first holding the Pandora button for 6 seconds, releasing it, then pressing down on the d-pad once, then hitting Enter.
I must be missing something because I cannot get the pandora button to do anything whatsoever, even though it DOES show as clicking in op_test_inputs. I even re-flashed the firmware just to be sure...

From XFCE, if you click it does the start menu come up? That does not happen for me. Would you mind sharing your /etc/pandora/conf/eventmap file (I assume this behavior is stored there...)?
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Yeah, it should open the XFCE menu if you're at the desktop. I'm at work right now but I'll look into that eventmap thingo tonight.

Out of interest, have you installed Hotfix 4?
I had originally installed Hotfix4 when my Pandora arrived. With the re-flash, I did *not* install it because I assumed it was already included in the latest downloadable firmware. Is there an easy way to see what hotfix level I am at from the Pandora itself?
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Same here, nothing happens when the button is held down, or held down then released after 6 seconds. I've just tested the button and it's working on op_test_inputs. Pandora will also reset if I hold the button down and slide the power switch. Just updated Hotfix 4.
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Updated to HF4 - no change... *boggle*

As of HF4, my /etc/pandora/conf/eventmap reads:

# Open Pandora

# Event-to-shscript map configuration


# pass 'hold duration' to the script

# if a number follows script name, will always force invocation at that time (or less)

pandora /usr/pandora/scripts/ 3

power	/usr/pandora/scripts/ 3

lcdbrightdown	/usr/pandora/scripts/

lcdbrightup	/usr/pandora/scripts/


# pass 'action code' to the script

# lid actions are: 1 lid-is-closing, 0 lid-is-opening

lid-toggle	/usr/pandora/scripts/


# logging level 0 means to include debug; level 1 (regular), 2 (warnings), 3 (errors)

loglevel	1

minimum_separation	1	# 1 second minimum between a single event repeating


# for LED-blinking when battery gets low

threshold	   10		# in %age; at x%, we go into blink-mode as warning

check_interval	   90		# in seconds to check threshold; should be a high 300s

blink_interval	   2		# frequency of blink

blink_duration	   50000	# how long a blink lasts, in uSecs

shutdown_threshold 5		# battery %age we force a shutdown (to save the SD!)

shutdown_script	   /usr/pandora/scripts/

My current /usr/pandora/scripts/ reads:


#actions done when the menu button is pressed

#only argument is the time the button was pressed in  seconds

if [ "$1" -ge "2" ]; then #button was pressed 3 sec or longer, show list of apps to kill instead of launcher



xpid=$(pidof xfce4-session)

if [ $xpid ]; then

  echo "xfce4 is running"

  xfceuser=$(ps u -C xfce4-session | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}')

  if [ $killist ]; then

    echo "displaying kill list"

    pidlist=$(pstree -lpA | grep | sed -ne 's/.*-\(.*\)(\([0-9]\+\))/\2\n \1/p' | su -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 zenity --list --multiple --column "pid" --column "name" --title "kill" --text "which apps should be killed"' - $xfceuser | sed 's/|/\n/')

    for PID in $pidlist


      kill -9 $PID



    echo "starting appfinder"

    # invoke the appfinder; nice app, but it takes a few seconds to come up

    #su -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 xfce4-appfinder' - $xfceuser

    # invoke the bottom-left popup menu, for launching new apps, instead.

    popuppid=$(pidof xfce4-popup-menu)

    if [ $popuppid ]; then

	echo "popup menu is already running"


	su -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 xfce4-popup-menu' - $xfceuser




  echo "no x, killing all pnd aps so x or DE gets restarted"

  pidlist=$(pstree -lpA | grep | sed -ne 's/.*(\([0-9]\+\))/\1/p')

  for PID in $pidlist


    kill -9 $PID



Hope this is of help.
Can you guys try something? Fire up a game in Mupen64plus, then quick-press the Pandora button. It should exit to XFCE instantly.

That worked fine which sounds like there is nothing wrong with the button - just how the OS/GUI handles it.

I am checking eventmenu and op_menu now.

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That worked fine which sounds like there is nothing wrong with the button - just how the OS/GUI handles it.

I am checking eventmenu and op_menu now.


I replaced my eventmenu and op_menu with yours and rebooted. no change in behavior...
Anyone else have an idea? Craig? EvilDragon? How is this behavior controlled from the OS? We tried two config files. Is there something else I can check?

Otherwise everything is fantastic. The wait for my Pandora was worth it!


Also, I just tried HF5-Beta2 with no change. Does anyone have an idea how this button/key is controlled in the OS? There must be a way to fix/test this since the button itself works fine (from op_test_inputs and an existing emulator that uses it). It just does not work at all in Angstrom.
Have you modified your .pndXmodmap file? (in your home directory) I suspect not as you say it's brand new, but you never know, that's all I can think of.

It's the file that contains custom mappings for all the keys. The one you're looking for (Pandora key) is

keycode 147 = ....

By default, there should be no entry in the file for 147. If there is one, try deleting it.
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Thanks for that suggestion - Nope, no entry for keycode 147. The mystery wrapped in an enigma swallowed by a paradox continues!