Pandora in Australia

You can't buy it from Australia, you can buy it from England or Germany and have it shipped to Australia though :)

Several Australians already have.
^ That's right! There are probably only 100 (give or take) Pandora owners in Australia.
I doubt there's even that many. I could count the number of forum members I know of from Australia on my hands, and even if a lot of people don't bother posting because they haven't recieved their unit, etc., I still doubt there'd be more than 50.
I guess you're right, I should have taken time into account. Hopefully, this time next year we'll have about 100 Pandora owners in Oz.
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I live in Perth, Australia (for now). I think I'm the only Pandora owner in Western Australia.
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Sorry to dig up an old thread but...

I live in Perth, Australia (for now). I think I'm the only Pandora owner in Western Australia.
Sorry buddy ive had one for a long time now where in perth are ya
I'm in Guildford.
Cool I'm in Trigg i thought i was the only one over here nice to know there is another.
Ha ha! There's now 3 West Australian Pandy's !