Pandora stops loading near the end of the progress bar


Hardcore Member
Feb 16, 2012
Paris, France
Hi all,

This morning when I tried to start my Pandora (1Ghz running latest firmware), it stayed stuck near the end of the progress bar. I was able to restart it in CLI mode.

It was working correctly yesterday, the only system thing I recall changing was running OMAPFB fix to check the virtual resolution it was using. I don't think I've made any change, but it smells like a X problem to me...

I guess a reflash should fix the issue, but in case I'd like to check what's happening there, is there a way to get the logs and or console output from the normal boot process?

Adding psplash=false to the normal boot parameters should show you the console messages.
It's filesystem corruption of the NAND. Which is weird since there's not supposed to be any writing, at least not in the places that are getting corrupted, but I've never bothered to figure it out properly.

My Pandora keeps resetting when it's in my pocket (infrequent now that I've put some padding on the battery) and every once in a while it does this. I can get it back with a partial reflash, remove the rootfs.img from the SD card but keep everything else, but it's still not working. The only way I've found to recover is a complete reflash, or at least that's the easiest. The partial reflash is just to get it working so you can save any customizations that you've done to your SD card.