PC games recommendations 2019


Half Pepperoni, All Cheese
Sep 15, 2015
North Carolina, USA
I'm feeling more optimistic about getting a new computer next month, because I found out that there's more money in my account than I thought. I think I should be able to wrangle something with dedicated graphics.

This thread isn't about PC shopping though, it's about PC games shopping. What do you guys play?

Bonus drinking game: Drink your favorite drink every time someone mentions a Paradox Interactive game.
The only PC game I play with any regularity is Guildwars 2. It scratches the MMO itch I developed over WoW years ago, but without the monthly cost, grindiness, or borderline toxic environment. It's eminently casual-friendly, and inherently cooperative instead of competitive. You can put it down for a few months and you're never "so far behind that you can never catch back up" like with most MMOs. It's also got a really good single-player storyline. Like good enough to just play through the personal story, even if you aren't really an MMO person. The base game is free-to-play, so you can get about a hundred hours worth of gameplay out of it without having to spend a penny (or interact with other people, if you so choose).
@Chip In a similar fashion I have Star Wars: Old Republic to fill that niche, it has quite a bit of content in Free to Play mode, only thing I recommend is paying for some additional features to unlock more space on the HUD.
I've recently gotten into the Yakuza series, now that we got PC ports of some titles. I've beaten Yakuza 0 a while ago, but there's still so much to do on the side, so I'm still not really done.
Good port, had no issues or crashes at all. Fantastic game as well. Manages to have a serious story at the core but lots of great humor on side content.

Oh and while it initial launched with Denuvo, that's gone by now and I don't think has been used in the other titles of the series.
Hey guys, Steam's summer sale just started and runs until July 9th. Go try some games.

I'm thinking I'll be getting my computer before my birthday, but after this sale's over. Welp.
lots of free games on GOG... lure of the temptress , beneath a steel sky.. the witcher was free recently too. i have 29 games and i dont think i paid for any of them..lol
Morrowind is always a good one. and Age of empires II : conquerors edition ( can be got in HD now too.) is always a fav of mine.
cant really recommend games until you tell us what you like and dont like..
Beneath a Steel Sky is basically freeware in this day and age isn't it? I remember getting a copy on a magazine disk about 15 years ago, and was even slightly put out at the time when I realised I could have downloaded it from the publisher's website for free as well, but I guess at least now I have it on disc, while I might have to go through all kinds of hoops to even access the publisher's website now.
Yes, you can even download it straight from scummvm's site
Hey guys, Steam's summer sale just started and runs until July 9th. Go try some games.

I'm thinking I'll be getting my computer before my birthday, but after this sale's over. Welp.

Not a new game, but Neverwinter Nights EE.
On sale for $11.36 and could occupy you for several years assuming you get into the online persistent world play.

Works on Linux.

Bonus - there is a pretty good shot at this being playable on the Pyra (>50%?).
Not many know this one: Unexplored, a real time, top-down roguelike. I'm very fond of this one. You can play it like a twin stick shooter on a gamepad, or use keyboard and mouse. It even runs 95% fine on just intel-grated laptop graphics. Don't spoil yourself by looking up stuff on a wiki or some such. It's on PC and Switch.
I think the steam sales are regional. @levi might be in a country where the sales are different or steam might not even be doing a sale right now. Can confirm that NWN is a pretty great game, and getting the absolutely-everything pack for $11 is a no-brainer. I'd be picking it up myself if I didn't already own it ;)
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Yeah, it was saying it was 9.xxGBP for me, but said that was only 10% off the individual cost of all the bits and pieces it included. I've no idea why the regular price is so cheap here mind you.
Could be because the indivdual pieces are all on sale too. At least they are here in the States. So yeah, the bundle only gives you an extra dollar off of everything, but the total sale is still 80% off.
Not a new game, but Neverwinter Nights EE.
On sale for $11.36 and could occupy you for several years assuming you get into the online persistent world play.

Works on Linux.

Bonus - there is a pretty good shot at this being playable on the Pyra (>50%?).
I only tried the Diamond Edition (that should work correctly on the Pyra indeed), not the Enhanced Edition (that I don't own). No idea how different they can be (probably quite different).
Yeah, it was saying it was 9.xxGBP for me, but said that was only 10% off the individual cost of all the bits and pieces it included. I've no idea why the regular price is so cheap here mind you.

Ah, now I see the confusion. All the individual pieces are currently 70-80% off individually due to the sale, plus you get an additional 10% off if you buy the whole bundle. You're only seeing the bundle discount and not the individual piece discount for some reason. Click on one of the items and you should see the discount. The bundle discount is probably always there, but the huge discount on each of the parts is temporary.
Hey guys, I know I said this isn't a PC shopping thread, but I have a bit of a problem. The reason the person in charge of my finances wanted me to stay under $500 when shopping for a computer next month was because they didn't think computers cost much more than that these days. I want a laptop with dedicated graphics though, and they want me to shop at Best Buy, which would put the minimum at $579 this week for example, because that's what one of the older Nitro 5 laptops is going for. I'd prefer to go even higher, due to having more money than I thought.

So, um, how do I explain to someone not versed in tech the joys and expenses of dedicated graphics?

And before anyone asks: I don't even wanna discuss buying parts online and assembling them. I would even need someone to explain that stuff to me before I could do it.