pdroms coding competition - evil dragon


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Pennsylvania, USA
There is a coding competition going on, sponsored by pdroms among others and the first prize is a wiz. Evil Dragon is listed as one of the donators. Among the systems allowed you will not find a gp2x a gp32 a wiz or a pandora. What's up with that? These guys can do with they want with their money and such, but I would think it would have been nice to allow our babies in the competition, right?
Honestly, I don't know why our babies aren't allowed in the contest, maybe ED can elaborate on it? It's none of my business, but if ED wants to make it known I'd be interested in his reasons for sponsoring the contest and not getting our systems supported. He might have tried and been trumped for all I know.


I remember Kojote talking about this elsewhere, possibly on GP32X. The answer is in the judging information: "Entries will be tested on emulators." IIRC this is because not all judges have access to every piece of hardware, and unfortunately the aforementioned open systems don't have emulators!

He also said they were hoping to rectify this in future. Must admit though, it is a little weird seeing none of the open systems on the list.
we tried to go with old hardware this time, so there was not really place for modern things like the gp2x and wiz. as the entries are going to be tested on emulators, which makes it once more difficult. not everyone of the judges is having the money to buy a wiz, pandora, whatever :)

see it from a different angle... all those old systems allowed are already emulated. so at the end you might not be able to enter a native app but you'll be able to play everything entered :)

another problem i had was simply that modern homebrew is getting too main stream and old systems are just left behind. it's a natural thing, but still we can work against it.

i am sure we will be having other coding competitions where we allow other systems again.

thanks for your understanding!