Picodrive question...


Sep 13, 2010
I ripped Sonic CD to a bin/cue and was wondering if I have to put all the music as well in the folder to play the songs, as it hasn't been playing them. Same with my Popful Mail rip.
You're really gonna enjoy Turbo CD games, then. (At least if you wanna shrink them down.)
ok... one more question. Where do I find the PicoDrive with 32x support. The one on pandora apps is the old copy and the one on openhandhelds looks by the date to be the updated pnd, however the link is broken to the download. I also looked for a link on Notaz's page but couldn't find one. Thanks again for any help.

i had a tough time finding it last week, seems repo versions are older, this one also supports SMS, 32x, Sega CD. It's one of the best emulators imo, notaz frontend is really really good
Thank you very much. Been trying to find it for a week now. lol
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ok...I dl'd that copy and the read me says it still doesn't support 32x. When I bring up a game it seems like it's going to start and than it just stays black. I have the 32x bios but was wondering if they needed to be named anything speciic like the sega cd bios?
try deleting previous picodrive appdata first, 32x support doesn't require a bios, only Sega CD
Yeah...I deleted all the appdata when I got the new copy of picodrive. I've tried a few 32x games but I know they don't all work. Anyone have a suggestion for one they know works so I may try it.

Also I should mention I have the roms in a "roms" folder on not directly in the appdata/picodrive folder if that makes a difference for 32x. They are all unzipped.
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I guess older version is lying around somewhere on the card and PND system only picks up that one instead of newer one (only one uniqueid is taken, and I used the same id on all PD releases).
I guess older version is lying around somewhere on the card and PND system only picks up that one instead of newer one (only one uniqueid is taken, and I used the same id on all PD releases).
hmm...I'll try and find anything left from the earlier picodrive and see if I can get rid of it. Thank you all again for the help.