Pictures of the Prizes - and Voting!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
As the competition deadline is approaching, it's time to post pictures of the two main prices:

The Golden and Pearl White Pandora!

Click on the pictures for hires-Versions!

Voting will also start soon, so here's some information for you how it will work:

1. Shortly after the deadline, I'll prepare the site with informations about all of the entries, screenshots as well as downloads.

2. Voting will start NEXT weekend. This gives the community time to test all the entries as well as the chance to the developers to do some last-minute-bugfixes. After all, not every dev has a Pandora yet, so there might be some bugs he can fix with the help of the community here.

3. Voting will happen for ONE week. Every registered user here on the boards can vote. It's possible to vote for multiple entries, in case you can't decide which entry is best for you. I hope everyone is honest and nobody will open multiple accounts just to give more votes to one entry, but we'll check that anyways.
That white one.. I would pay $50-100 more just to have a White Pandora.. :eek:

And I can't wait to start voting. Some very good entries.
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That white one.. I would pay $50-100 more just to have a White Pandora.. :eek:

And I can't wait to start voting. Some very good entries.

spare case + white spraypaint = White Pandora?
I could make it look perfect paint wise.

To do a spot on job you'd need to take it all apart though, which I don't think I'd be comfortable doing. :p
I've seen both Pandora cases in reality and held them in my hands :rolleyes: .

Working on the rebirth was great :D .
The white Pandora is lovely :wub:

If I was the person who won it, I'd ask the OP team to sign it, put it in a glass case and invite bids on the launch day of 4th generation Pandora.

Then retire.
Here are the three cases pictured. The Storm Case has precut foam as this was a demo model. That's the larger sized case on the right. On the Left is the Retro Lunch Box aka DryBox 309, you get a brand new one of these with foam for cutting or removal as I have pictured here. Also in the Retro Lunch box is the last prize, the neoprene "Unofficial" Open Pandora softcase. Hand sewn by me, a friend did the embroidery work, sewn with upholstery thread. 1 of 20 produced.

1St Place winner gets choice of the three cases. Storm Case iM2050, Retro Lunch Box/DryBox 309, or neoprene "Unofficial" softcase.

2n Place gets choice of two remaing prizes

3rd Place gets last prize remaining

Good luck devvelopers and thank you for all the time and effort! Only the cases pictured are up for prizes, other goods in pictures are for display and scaling purposes only.

I've got 2 out of these 3 items for sale at

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On the Pandora Rebirth Competition Rules thread, you mention that you will add pictures soon. Maybe you could add the pictures or the link so that people could have access to it more easily?

That reminds me of the ugly GIMP work I had done for a preview of the colours, yuck! (link) These new pictures look great. :)

Also, whichever colour the 1st prize winner will choose, what will happen to the other? It doesn't seem to be the second place, nor any other position. Will you keep it? Will you sell it? Will you keep it?

One last question: Can members who do not have a Pandora still vote? I don't have one but I could easily browse the projects, watch some videos and such and get an idea of what projects seem the most promising to me.
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The gold (or shall we call it, C3P0 coloured..) is pretty awesome, in some bizarre retro or flava-flav way :) I'd totally love it, should've entered :p

Good luck to everyone :)

It's a pity I wasn't around to see this competition unfold, but I'm certainly looking forward to playing the games, so at least I can participate by voting!

Limited edition gold cartridge?

Bullshit, those things were more common than the grey ones! :D
IIRC the gold carts were introduced when the game passed some sales milestone... and then proceeded to sell a bazillion more units.
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2. Voting will start NEXT weekend.

So, when does voting start?

Or more importantly, when does it finish? Still not really played with QEmu yet, my guess is that this will take a day or two to explore even its basic potential.

It would also be nice to know what we should be voting for, is it the version of the software submitted to the competition, or the latest version of the software available on the repo?
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It would also be nice to know what we should be voting for, is it the version of the software submitted to the competition, or the latest version of the software available on the repo?
I'm not at all involved with the competition, but my guess is that the guideline has to be "rate whichever version you used".

The judges are volunteers with limited time on their hands. You can't really demand that they must keep up with the devs' post-submission updates, particularly for those entries which they've already tried and rated. The entrants had a deadline after all, and the rule that it's fine to publish updates during the compo doesn't mean that the deadline's been extended right up to the start of the voting period.

On the other hand it would be just as absurd to require people to ignore the available newer and fixed-er versions they may have chosen to use, and base their vote only on the original submission.

I don't know how big the differences in the actual entries really are, but once again: There was a deadline. If someone made major improvements between compo release and voting, they still don't get to say "@#ç%, some people used the crappy old version and gave me low votes". It's got to be "yay, some people used the new and improved post-compo version and gave me high votes".
I have a question, you meant deadline to submit a program or for analyzing the candidates?

I do have my game going but life made me not capable to submit or to try on a real pandora :(

Would my entry still be accepted? If such is true, till when?

I don´t wanna start any discussion on that as I lay respect to those who sent it in time.

Mine is nothing big, just a casual-toilet game, and whatever rules there are I´m bound to follow and rescpect.

You don´t worry, should I finish it, it will still be available to a few plats as well as pandora, so I´m fine with whatever resolution.

It is just that the #1 as ED said got me some confused.

Even if it is true and I can submit, it dosen´t mean it will get done as time is hanging on me.

Anyways, those pandoras look awesome and sooo special!
Given the quality of the submissions so far and the complexity of some. I feel its a good thing that the voting has not followed the outlined plan and gone active just yet. Qemu and Slackware alone, no doubt take some time to get to grips with and not everyone has the time.

I appreciated the joke voting thread, saw it immediately but had not the time to respond to its lighthearted nature but its actually a good thing that the voting hasn't occured yet. I for one have lots to still check out and the lengths devs have gone too is formidable.

I think it would be good if some more time were available to assess all the Rebirth entries properly and during that time, I certainly dont see any reasons that newer 'late' entries that fell outside the original deadline, aren't given an opportunity to compete. Perhaps more late entries are waiting in the wings (like the above posters) and provided a disclaimer is made that 'they were late submissions', and voters should bear this in mind, I think it would be a good thing to allow them a chance.

Just my 2sense, so feel free to ignore :)
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Qemu and Slackware alone, no doubt take some time to get to grips with and not everyone has the time.

I think it would be good if some more time were available to assess all the Rebirth entries properly


yes! let's break the compo's not-so-deadline some more for the sake of two entries.

its completely fair to everybody else.
Qemu and Slackware alone, no doubt take some time to get to grips with and not everyone has the time.

I think it would be good if some more time were available to assess all the Rebirth entries properly


yes! let's break the compo's not-so-deadline some more for the sake of two entries.

its completely fair to everybody else.
you should appreciate all the work that went into making those ports, and you should be gratefull there's so many great software beeing made for the compo. and you should care for a console you don't have yet and maybe never will, and been paying interrest on for over 2.5 years
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