Pnd Request: Tangogps


Jul 23, 2009
Would someone be so kind and put TangGPS in .pnd format?

All packages and dependencies are already in the Angstrom Repo and the program works nicely.

A thing nice to know is that gpsd has to be downgraded to gpsd_2.38-r0.1_armv7a.ipk (at least with the version of tangoGPS that was used in the thread; there has been an update that may have changed things)

Thanks in advance!
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zapman said:
Would someone be so kind and put TangGPS in .pnd format?

All packages and dependencies are already in the Angstrom Repo and the program works nicely.

A thing nice to know is that gpsd has to be downgraded to gpsd_2.38-r0.1_armv7a.ipk (at least with the version of tangoGPS that was used in the thread; there has been an update that may have changed things)

Thanks in advance!
Looks like the kernel modules for usb serial are missing (also a lot of other usb drivers :( ) I'm looking into getting it going as tango gps works really nice!

If I get my usb gps dongle working, I'll look into pnd-ing the lot!
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damn! I just assumed that the reason the device couldn't be enumerated was that there was no pl2303 module, this is in like 70% of usb gps devices so its kinda important to get it working
the pl2302 module is there but loading it and even making device nodes has so far failed - not even anything in proc so I'm a little puzzled currently

also it'd be nice for some PIC dev-ing but thats a whole other issue.

anyhow until I can figure out what the problem with the prolific usb serial is its a bit of a show stopper - shame cause tango is real nice - I'd like to work out some better caching of maps so it can be used entirely offline for a whole route...
As I read device cannot be ennumerated... There comes to my mind: Did you connect it via a USB 2.0 Hub or directly. I think most usb-serial converters could be USB 1.1 and therefore don't work on the USB 2.0 Hostport since it is not downwards compatible without a hub in between.
mcobit said:
As I read device cannot be ennumerated... There comes to my mind: Did you connect it via a USB 2.0 Hub or directly. I think most usb-serial converters could be USB 1.1 and therefore don't work on the USB 2.0 Hostport since it is not downwards compatible without a hub in between.
Thats what I thought so I plugged it into a 2.0 hub still didn't work - heres the BIG GOTTCHA

if you get the device cannot be ennumerated, the usb port seems to go into some kind of panic mode, from that point onwards it no longer responds even to a 2.0 usb device

rebooted this time with 2.0 hub in and joy of joys I have a /dev/ttyUSB0 !

I've installed tangoGPS with opkg onto by boot SD and I have to say it works GREAT!

I'm having lots of fun with GLES and bullet physics at the moment - but making a tango gps PND is defiantly on my list!!!
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This is known behaviour, if you plug in some usb device and then try to plug in another, the second woun't be recognized until you reboot the pandora.
Strange but true.
mcobit said:
This is known behaviour, if you plug in some usb device and then try to plug in another, the second woun't be recognized until you reboot the pandora.
Strange but true.
Yeh maybe there is a script which could be run to reboot the usb services?
Its quite annoying
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chris_c said:
rebooted this time with 2.0 hub in and joy of joys I have a /dev/ttyUSB0 !

I've installed tangoGPS with opkg onto by boot SD and I have to say it works GREAT!

I'm having lots of fun with GLES and bullet physics at the moment - but making a tango gps PND is defiantly on my list!!!

Cool thing you are fiddling with TangGPS! :)

The moment I hear "GLES and bullet physics" I have to think of Blender. Do you see any chance to get the Blender game engine to run on the Pandora? That would be _the_ killer app IMO.

Thx Chris!
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zapman said:
chris_c said:
rebooted this time with 2.0 hub in and joy of joys I have a /dev/ttyUSB0 !

I've installed tangoGPS with opkg onto by boot SD and I have to say it works GREAT!

I'm having lots of fun with GLES and bullet physics at the moment - but making a tango gps PND is defiantly on my list!!!

Cool thing you are fiddling with TangGPS! :)

The moment I hear "GLES and bullet physics" I have to think of Blender. Do you see any chance to get the Blender game engine to run on the Pandora? That would be _the_ killer app IMO.

Thx Chris!
lol - doubtful I would think - no I've been experimenting with GLES (hardware accelerated graphics) and bullet (a "physics" library) as I understand it blenders game engine is a fair bit more than opengl and a dynamics library!
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well blender uses bullet for its physics part of the game engine and the main obstacle porting the game engine for Pandora seems to be the openGL - openGL ES thing... :rolleyes:
zapman said:
well blender uses bullet for its physics part of the game engine and the main obstacle porting the game engine for Pandora seems to be the openGL - openGL ES thing... :rolleyes:
if only... porting opengl it gles is fairly trivial you can even initially do a brain dead get it working scheme and emulate glbegin/glvertex/glend
no rather the issue would be more that its simply not practical - the blender game engine can be slow enough at times on a desktop let alone an embedded platform!

When coding a gles application you have to carefully balance the resources used and take care as to what you are sending the graphics card(chip!)
On a modern desktop graphics card you can just send massive inefficient un-culled triangle soups to the card and just let it get on with it - they are really very powerful monsters!
And again the blender game engine is *much* more than just opengl and bullet....
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chris_c said:
And again the blender game engine is *much* more than just opengl and bullet....

You are right. So when can we expect your first (unoptimised) port? :D
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chris_c said:


I'm trying to understand what your GLES python module does, I would love to create some content/ minigame for the pandora. My python skills can't compete with my Blender abilities though... ;(
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zapman said:
chris_c said:


I'm trying to understand what your GLES python module does, I would love to create some content/ minigame for the pandora. My python skills can't compete with my Blender abilities though... ;(
I smell a trade in the air.... please PM me :D
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