Port Request: Rackarrack


Forum Addict!
Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home

Wouldnt it great, to have your own Powerfull Guitar and Bass Amp on your Openpandora??

Mybe just to trainee some riffs on the goo, or something,

There is the Opensource Programm Rackarrack, which has alot of Effekts for E-Guitar an Bass, and suports also the "Rocksmith Realtonecable"


The Problem is, i ditnt know, how to port this to the Pandora, but i think this would be great for the Users in this forum, who wants to make Musik whit the Pandora..

Some Issues: Windows uses the Realtone Cable as "Microphone", but how to tell the Pandora, what he should make whit the Cable..

It needs some Energie, for the Elektro Magnets on the pick ups, i dont know how this could be make whit the Pandora Batterie..

I dont know, it could be, the specs of the Pandora are to low for the Programm...
From the README, the dependencies are:

4 rakarrack is a JACK app.


16 The dependencies are:


18 libfltk1.1

19 libxpm

20 libjack100.0

21 libasound2

22 aconnect

23 jackd

I think these should be available for Angstrom.

But you need an audio input, and that requires a breakout connector for the pandora. These are not available at this time.
Well, the internal soundhardware on pandora doesn't work with jack anyway.

You could use an external usbsounddevice for in and output, but I am not sure how much latency this will add.

You could try to compile it for slackware with realtime kernel.
The Problem is, i cant programm, or compile programm, because this i postet a Port Request,

To make the Programm Puplik in the Comunity, and mybe somewhone whit scill made a working Port of Rakarrak..

My Notebook has some Problems whit Linux, the CD from a Magazine whit Ubuntu 10.04 stops by about 95 % install, and it losts some parts of the Packet System.. so i tough, as the Pandora has allready Linux, i could use the Pandora for this Programm..

No problem as i have also a Akusik Guitarr, and soon a Akustik Bass, and Rocksmith on the PC..