Port Requests

So, TileMassacre compiled. But it just don't start. It hang a first call SDL. I just don't understand why... If i put a SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) in the main, firstline, it hang too (just nothing happens).
I'd love to see a port of Gourmet Recipe Manager... I use it on my linux box, but having it portable would be nice.
Gourmet Recipe Manager just uses Python and GTK - it's relatively easy to get it running on the Pandora (I just tried it, and imported recipes for Chocolate Cake from a MealMaster file, and now I'm hungry).

I'll make a PND of it after the Coding Compo is over, if no-one else has done it before then. For anyone wanting to give porting this a try, what I did (using the C/C++/Py Development Tools PND), was "easy_install SQLAlchemy", "easy_install PIL", and "python setup.py install" for Gourmet's setup.py file. After that, running 'gournmet' produces an error related to the recbox.ico file - I just changed the code to refer to recbox.png instead, which probably isn't right, but it got it running. There's other stuff that can be added (mplayer (?), modules for spellchecking and importing to pdf, etc), but it works without them.
Freemon messaged me and said that he doesn't have time to work on Pandora stuff right now, so if anyone else could please take a look at this.


I'll give it a go then, if there are still people who want this. It's quite easy to get something working (as indicated by freamon), I also managed to get it running and to import some recipes. But to display the recipes, it needs a more recent GTK version than the one we have on the firmware right now, so I'll need to find some way around that - maybe Code::Blocks has a more recent version, or else I'll just compile it myself.
I'd love to see a port of Gourmet Recipe Manager... I use it on my linux box, but having it portable would be nice.
Gourmet Recipe Manager just uses Python and GTK - it's relatively easy to get it running on the Pandora (I just tried it, and imported recipes for Chocolate Cake from a MealMaster file, and now I'm hungry).

I'll make a PND of it after the Coding Compo is over, if no-one else has done it before then. For anyone wanting to give porting this a try, what I did (using the C/C++/Py Development Tools PND), was "easy_install SQLAlchemy", "easy_install PIL", and "python setup.py install" for Gourmet's setup.py file. After that, running 'gournmet' produces an error related to the recbox.ico file - I just changed the code to refer to recbox.png instead, which probably isn't right, but it got it running. There's other stuff that can be added (mplayer (?), modules for spellchecking and importing to pdf, etc), but it works without them.
Freemon messaged me and said that he doesn't have time to work on Pandora stuff right now, so if anyone else could please take a look at this.


I'll give it a go then, if there are still people who want this. It's quite easy to get something working (as indicated by freamon), I also managed to get it running and to import some recipes. But to display the recipes, it needs a more recent GTK version than the one we have on the firmware right now, so I'll need to find some way around that - maybe Code::Blocks has a more recent version, or else I'll just compile it myself.
I'd be interested to know how you mix the python parts to the rest. In Codeblocks this always gets messy. 

For GTK, be careful - I am not sure which libs you need for displaying the recipes, but PtitSeb mentioned before that two versions of GTK cannot really coexist at the same time (conflict in shared libraries I believe). 
Yes, having 2 different gtk version can be messy (but that should be possible). The more difficult part is if the newer gtk need a newer GLib. 2 differents glib in the same system can be very messy.
Just compiling GLib 2.36 (which I need for gtk 2.24) is not so trivial. The old gcc 4.3 is not recent enough to get it compiled, so I'm compiling using gcc 4.7 from the Code::Blocks PND. It's going to take a while to get all of this compiled.
Gourmet Recipe Manager is more or less working now, I'm still struggling a bit with some of the optional plug-ins, but if they give me too much of a headache I can just leave those out. In particular the export to PDF plug-in seems to bring a whole new lot of dependencies with it, which may not be worth the effort.

So if all works out, you can expect a PND on the repo next week or so.
Not yet, for scorched 3d. For hedgewars, you should just need plenty of ram and the freepascal compiler.
Not yet, for scorched 3d. For hedgewars, you should just need plenty of ram and the freepascal compiler.
I tried hedgeware some time ago (not too long go, just a couple of weeks), with the GLES part enabled, and I'm mainly have segfault in the menu. Maybe I should try to recompile with libGL?
Gourmet Recipe Manager is more or less working now, I'm still struggling a bit with some of the optional plug-ins, but if they give me too much of a headache I can just leave those out. In particular the export to PDF plug-in seems to bring a whole new lot of dependencies with it, which may not be worth the effort.

So if all works out, you can expect a PND on the repo next week or so.
It's on the repo! Forum thread here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/13874-gourmet-recipe-manager/
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