Potential distributor?


Active Member
I did get a constructive thought from arguing with Overgauss in another thread. Would you consider contacting a distributor like Frys Electronics here in the United States? They have like 30-some locations, largely in California but in other states as well.

You could see if they'd buy and stock a few units, they do for the Air Conqueror Keyboard from Cideko (Who? Exactly :) ), which is somewhat similar in concept regarding lust over physical controls although not a UMPC. If they start getting hits it might start driving more interest here in the states anyway.

And they're a perfect shop for it, they hang motherboards right on the wall for display just like meat in a butcher's window. I'm just saying, they don't have an aversion to nerdy stuff. ;) And they originate from Silicon Valley, i.e. chock full of nerds who probably have no knowledge of this marvelous device.

Maybe you've already tried to get other distributors, if so then no worries. I couldn't find a corporate email or phone number for them, only sales.
...ahh, wanted to delete the posting after i saw this is a direct question to evil dragon.. - but i cant find a delete post button, now i have written it.. i lert it stay.. my apology for intruding..


interesting would be how much the reseller wants to earn, how much his share is. with audio-cds amazon in germany takes 50% of the net-profits. lets just say (ruff calculated) the consumer price is 11,90.- euro with 19% vat, without vat 10.- euro, distributer fee 50%, remain 5.- Euro from ten of which you must pay taxes as well.

now, the profit margin for reselling hardware is probably lower, but how much? i would guess it is around 30%? i understood the reseller fee is the reason the pandora can not be offered at amazon and also ebay sales dont make much sense.

the pandora makers may do know how much reseller take in generall, if it is makes sense to ask, the shops sound cool.

i want to remember the input i gave in the thread `the current situation`, i dont want to rewrite it all here as my hand hurts and needs rest, but in short: rework the website, you have enough interested visitors per day(!, i deduct that from the steady amount of your board-guests), make it more accessible, present the features of the pandora better ((inexpensive & easy) practicable details can be found as said in my previous posts), and so on. alone the website thing could be so important. the decision if someone wants to have something is an emotional one and it is made very quickly.

but off course i am not sure, maybe the website is planned imagewise as it is, and it is the best way for the possible target audience (i mean that seriously, not ironicly).

i wonder why nobody goes down that road, thinking a bit of "how it gets known/seen/presented". Overgauss per example said these were great ideas just to go along his own way again with printing expensive t-shirts for the community in the hope that has an advertising effect as well.. i just dont think that is focused on what can and should be really done, and if, he could start to lead that idea to realization himself, and if only making a pool here, or just opening a thread to see who participates, how the approval rating of the community he wants to sell merchandise is.

my apology for the intrussion, i dont want to keep anyone from printing t-shirts or contacting distributers.
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No worries, I think your post is plenty on-topic, and it's got the same goal -- get the Pandora out there. Please leave it, he may address both in the same breath if he's covered these angles already.
I am checking various distributors right now, but the profit margin really is an issue right now.

Wouldn't CC have scrapped our PCBs, things would be a lot easier :(
Some of the shops mentioned aren't really distributors but resellers .. end-user shops. A distributor is something like Tech-Data or the former Merisel that sells exclusively to resellers.

Having worked for a large distributor, I can pretty much guarantee they wouldnt be interested in a homebrew device like the pandora.

The great advantage of the internet era is that OpenPandora is NOT dependent on the classic distribution channels, which are near impossible for such a small producer to engage.
^ Ah, I am sure my thread title is wrong then. I am sure Frys qualifies as a reseller instead. I speak as a layman on this topic...

It's true the Internet makes shopless transactions possible, but of course there are benefits of having the mystery machine physically available where other "similar" products are sold. It's advertisement as people walk by, incentive to purchase by having the product on hand, and of course advertisement by mouth when the user takes it home.

Of course, benefits versus cost must weigh, and as ED said the profit margins are a problem. I leave it to the experts, just my pitch at helping. :)