Printenv/saveenv parameters for OP


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
In Slackware ARM, there's a file called /etc/fw_env.config containing offsets for some ARM devices, and i would like to add the Open Pandora.

As i've absolutely no clue what's the numbers are, i ask you ! Here's the file:

# Configuration file for fw_(printenv/saveenv) utility.
# Up to two entries are valid, in this case the redundant
# environment sector is assumed present.
# Notice, that the "Number of sectors" is ignored on NOR.

# MTD device name    Device offset    Env. size    Flash sector size    Number of sectors
#/dev/mtd1        0x0000        0x4000        0x4000
#/dev/mtd2        0x0000        0x4000        0x4000

# NAND example
#/dev/mtd0        0x4000        0x4000        0x20000            2

# This allows you to update the u-boot code from Linux.
# SheevaPlug offsets:
# /dev/mtd0             0xA0000         0x20000         0x20000

# GuruPlug offsets:
# /dev/mtd0             0x40000         0x20000         0x20000
We are not using u-boot env, you should not add that offset.

Actually there is space in flash for env, but I don't recommend writing there as it will only add a possible point of failure. autoboot.txt provides all the same functionality anyway.