Pyra with new chrome app "Arc Welder"

I was only making a cheap joke.  I don't hate *BSD or systemd especially (although I am aware that it's an issue for others), and think it's a good idea to try out as many OSes as you can before settling on one.
Theres also a new Chrome usb drive that has the whole chrome OS on it that is now being sold by google. Idk how those work. Suppose to work on the TV monitors. I might carry one of those around with my Pyra if I could switch between systems that way. Can you confirm that?

Well I think you are talking about the chromecast, that plugs into the TV via the HDMI port, It's a small computer in that thumb stick.  
I have a chromecast too. But the Chromebit is different. Its the chrome OS on the stick which you can boot from.

I will never get why Google is hated. If its the bloatware Google is the only company that lets you remove bloatware. If its internet privacy Google is the leader at stopping congress from passing internet regulating bills and Google only uses the data (which you can opt-out of) so you get ads more prevalent to you (Like you won't come across tampon ads if Google thinks your a male from your searches).

Apple is innovative but restrictive and comparable to Nintendos way of doing things. Microsoft is like the prime example of a corporation which has no ambitions for progress just maximizing profit from the mass...
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You're making it sound like one HAS to like one of those companies, instead of considering them all merely a (variably) necessary evil. Not saying that's my case, but there are many valid points of view on the non-corporate-fanboy side of the spectrum as well :)
I don't see them as even "merely a necessary evil".  Things would be very different without these companies, or if they were different than they are now.  

I would probably love Apple if it was run by Woz, or followed in his footsteps.  Although he is a very well known employee of Apple that is largely responsible for the company existing it probably would have been minor if it was run with his sensibilities, and would not likely still exist.  

Microsoft is one of the main companies I blame for the current state of low software with quality issues that breaks standards, disregarding the importance of the user, sold at premium prices.  Due to how well known it is in the market most people are scared to look elsewhere since they feel other options would be too difficult, not serve their purposes, or not work, even though all of these really apply equally to most of the options out there.

Just because Google hasn't done anything "bad" that you have  noticed has a negative impact on your privacy or how you live doesn't mean they haven't.  Or won't.  They have done a few things I disagree with over the years, and it is on the other side of this argument.  I feel that they should not restrict the results for searches based on copyright laws and such, and that everyone, in every country and at all times, should have access to all information that is supposedly available to the public.  Of course, many want certain information to go away, which I disagree with for the most part, but brings up another important thing to consider about all of these companies.

Their users and customers are largely to blame for all the "evil" they do, not the companies themselves.  Now governments more fully support companies like this, so politicians and lawmakers are also a good place to put blame.  Then you have those that elected these people, or allow them to make such decisions, as well as those who ignore the problem, or those that make complaints but never actually DO anything.  So, yeah, there are evil corporations, but they don't just appear with unlimited power, already having oppressed people.  Those named here aren't alone, or the worst, and you don't have to like or dislike them.  

I was going to go on, but I will just leave it there.  There are other reasons to dislike these companies, which are included in my list of reasons against them, but I still use what they offer at times, in various ways.  I vote with my money.  (Also, bloatware and ads forced down your throat are unacceptable to me.)
Actually, the idea of using a "different" os made me think of using  VoidLinux.  It uses runit as the init system and absolutely flies on my Lenovo R61(2007).  Hopefully I'll have a Pyra one day to test it on.
Sorry if I am the dummy here but:

  • while I can see that ARC is providing the runtime environment for an Android programm, what about the infrastructure it may rely on. Like I want to run the Facebook - App via this, how is the facebook application supposed to scrap every piece of personal information that is usually stored "somewhere" in the Android system and send it of directly to Zuckerberg for his personal pleasure, if they simply aren't there ?
  • How do you get the files (without getting illegal or breaking the terms and conditions one has agreed to,as soon es he starts using the playstore) ? I know that there is f-droid and so on and that Humble Bundle is quite successfull with their bundles, but most people would want to access their applications from the playstore at some point. How is this gonna work out ?
  • What about performance ?

Disclaimer: I know that ARC is intended for devs, but I guess the whole point of this thread is to use it as an end user
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