Quick Question About The F200

Vince2501 said:
Does Craigamp work on F200? I've read it doesn't.

Follow up: Which MP3 Player will play in the background while I'm reading an Ebook or playing a game?
Craigamp works on the F200, I seem to remember Craigix saying that he was going to rejig it with touchscreen support a while ago, which would be awsome. You can clock it down to 100 Mhz too, although I clock to 115 Mhz and it plays even high bitrate mp3's brilliantly. If you want different skins then there's some included in the zip of version 2 of the prog, although it's version 3 that you should be running.

Only thing that doesn't work is the screen off, although that's the same as the other players AFAIK, so hopefully there will be an update :) Like I say though, once you clock to 100 Mhz or 115Mhz then it helps the batteries last a lot longer, and it's become my MP3 player of choice :D
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arst said:
xcen said:
On the F200: You get a nice "USB CONNECTED" window that never goes away, making you reboot everytime you go and modify something =( FW4 has a ridiculous booting time, that doesn't help. And no file explorer on the F200 sucks too (enexfi looks very promising, however)
Hi all,

Just to say that F200 USB connectivity runs fine with Linux : when I unplug my GP2X, I can then use it without reboot.

And on OSX. Shock horror micky mouse OS' don't release the device...
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