Rip My Wiz Sadface

Oh well. I got a lot of fun times out of it. Bad timing as I am about to go back to the hospital for surgery and was not really dreading it because I would have had my Wiz to keep me occupied as I did when I was in the hospital for a whole freaking month before.

First a button died so I sent it back to Korea and they fixed it. Now the down direction is weak and when I press up, it goes diagonal. So idiot me took it apart to see what was the deal. Turns out the rubber pad underneath the face was worn out in several places, and then a speaker wire came loose despite me being careful. Yes I am being overdramatic as the Wiz still works technically, but I can't afford to keep sending it back to Korea to get fixed. I obviously overplayed the thing.

Guess I am going to sell some body parts or old collectibles in order to get a Caanoo as I believe that device is more durable. Granted some of the emulation isn't as good as the Wiz (so I've been told) but hopefully that will change in time.

I'm wondering if I can sell the Wiz for parts as it is in good condition.
Sorry to hear about your troubles :( I hope you can get set up with a new handheld quickly, and I hope you're at least as happy with it as you were with your Wiz.
I might be interested in parts, I tried to mod one of wiz's and broke the volume micro switches.