Rlyeh's emulators

Released: MSX 1/2 and a previous NES emu

Working on: NES, Genesis, MAME (this thread and possibly some others discuss the levels they're at)

I thought I heard in the past of a Colecovision emu from Rlyeh too.

Who knows, probably missed some, Rlyeh's great!
There should be six...

fMSX32, fNES32, fGen32, fMAME32, fCOL32, and ... damn we missed one !
cough, who said it was a beta, cough

I specifically said "Released: MSX 1/2 and a previous NES emu" in my post.
hehe , you've never seen fast :D

but YAY! tomorrow and sunday promise to be gp32 filled days! hope my mother don't mind seeing much of me on her birthday :D