Screen rotation


Still Fresh
Oct 3, 2008
North Carolina
Has anyone ported Xrandr or a similar tool to the OpenPandora? Since I was trying to rotate the screen on my OP to the side to try see if a few programs I wrote would work on it. I guess no one has a need to rotate the view on the OP?
I have this same issue. xrandr simply pops errors when I try to use it on Pandora.

If I type xrandr -o inverted:

X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)

  Major opcode of failed request:  147 (RANDR)

  Minor opcode of failed request:  2 (RRSetScreenSize)

  Serial number of failed request:  14

  Current serial number in output stream:  14
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If you have programs with windows too large for the Pandoras screen you can hold down the left trigger and drag any part of the window to move it around.

In addition to screen rotation I would like to be able to set the resolution to one greater than the screen supports so the apps too big for the Pandoras screen would show but with very small UI elements.
Has anyone ported Xrandr or a similar tool to the OpenPandora? Since I was trying to rotate the screen on my OP to the side to try see if a few programs I wrote would work on it. I guess no one has a need to rotate the view on the OP?
My guess is there is an OMAP3 hardware method of rotation that has better performance than xrandr.. but like people said, I think someone with more knowledge like Notaz could give details. 
The main layer could be rotated, but the driver doesn't expose the functionality through xrandr. There are some files in /sys/ for that instead, display controller can rotate (since the resolution is small enough) and the LCD itself can do the flipping, but then there is a problem of rotating the touchscreen and the overlays, which has to be handled separately.

So in short, something can be done but it's a lot of work.