screen shot tips


Advanced Member
May 18, 2009
Rotherham, UK
ok just in case people found it hard to take screenshots of their apps for the PND or whatever reason.

I thought this bash script might help:




while true; do

    if [[ $(date +%s) =~ (00|20|40) ]] ; then

        let COUNTER=COUNTER+1

        fbgrab "screen$COUNTER.png"

        echo "screen$COUNTER.png"

        sleep 1



you can run it from the terminal or you can just SSH into your pandora and then run it.

It will take screen shots every 20 seconds so it will allow you to actually play the game without worrying about taking screenshots.

depending on where the bash file is and where you run it, it will save the screenshots in the same directory, but of course you can improve it if you like.


here is the new code which works as tested on the pandora.


HOW_MANY=$1 #how many screengrabs you would like to do before the script is terminated

DELAY=$2    #delay in seconds before each screengrab is generated

i="0"       #declair our loop var

FAIL="0"    #declair our fail var

if [[ ! $HOW_MANY = [[:digit:]]* ]] ; then

	echo "argument 1 should be numerical only!"



if [[ ! $DELAY = [[:digit:]]* ]] ; then

	echo "argument 2 should be numerical only!"



if [ "$FAIL" -eq "1" ]; then



while [ ! $i -eq "$HOW_MANY" ]; do

	sleep $DELAY

	let i=i+1

	fbgrab "screen$i.png"

	echo "screen$i.png generated."


echo "finished!"


Then from the terminal or via SSH just run

$>bash 5 20
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I only need something that makes Screenshots with a button combo. ^^ If the Pandora would have a print key I even wouldn't need a Screenshot script, at least not for single shots over the clipboard.

Maybe these scripts could be included in the next hotfix, I imagine a settings option where you can set up the button combo or the time for auto screenshots and all this stuff. Yes, I like doing settings with the GUI instead of using the Terminal. :D
I only need something that makes Screenshots with a button combo. ^^ If the Pandora would have a print key I even wouldn't need a Screenshot script, at least not for single shots over the clipboard.

Maybe these scripts could be included in the next hotfix, I imagine a settings option where you can set up the button combo or the time for auto screenshots and all this stuff. Yes, I like doing settings with the GUI instead of using the Terminal. :D
There is a way of setting this up with a keyboard short-cut check the pandorawiki for a how to, however I have discovered that the way games handle the controls it stops the shortcut from working once the games have loaded.

Why are you busy-looping for 19 seconds each interval?
If you have a better idea please let us know so I can improve the script
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Just "sleep 20"?

EDIT: Or do you need it to take the screenshots at exactly xx:00, xx:20 and xx:40?
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ok I havent tested it but how about this





while true; do

	if [ ! $i -eq "$HOW_MANY" ] ; then

		let i=i+1

                fbgrab "screen$i.png"

		echo "screen$i.png"

		sleep $DELAY



Then from the terminal just run

$> 5 20
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ok so final script above in the original post, if there are any further improvements that could be made please suggest
Now we just need a way to capture apps, that use nota'z sdl, like pcsx ReARMed, Picodrive etc.




while [ ! $i -eq "$HOW_MANY" ]; do

	let i=i+1

	fbgrab "screen$i.png"

	echo "screen$i.png"

	sleep $DELAY


Now it quits after hitting the limit. Use -1 in HOW_MANY to capture until interrupted.
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Nope, but just try it, I think the problem is, that they don't render on the framebuffer.
also to check to make sure the arguments passed are numerical I have added this too

if [[ ! $HOW_MANY = [[:digit:]]* ]] ; then

	echo "argument 1 should be numerical only!"



if [[ ! $DELAY = [[:digit:]]* ]] ; then

	echo "argument 2 should be numerical only!"


Thanks a lot for this script...very usefull

A little tip for a scripts newbe like me..change comment style from // to # like this...


HOW_MANY=$1  #how many screengrabs you would like to do before the script is terminated

DELAY=$2     #delay in seconds before each screengrab is generated

i="0"        #declair our loop var

FAIL="0"     #declair our fail var

or it won't work ;)
Thanks a lot for this script...very usefull

A little tip for a scripts newbe like me..change comment style from // to # like this...


HOW_MANY=$1  #how many screengrabs you would like to do before the script is terminated

DELAY=$2     #delay in seconds before each screengrab is generated

i="0"        #declair our loop var

FAIL="0"     #declair our fail var

or it won't work ;)

Lol thanks for that, I have edited my original post to include the hash gates instead.

Glad you find the script useful :)
I only need something that makes Screenshots with a button combo. ^^ If the Pandora would have a print key I even wouldn't need a Screenshot script, at least not for single shots over the clipboard.

Maybe these scripts could be included in the next hotfix, I imagine a settings option where you can set up the button combo or the time for auto screenshots and all this stuff. Yes, I like doing settings with the GUI instead of using the Terminal. :D
There is a way of setting this up with a keyboard short-cut check the pandorawiki for a how to, however I have discovered that the way games handle the controls it stops the shortcut from working once the games have loaded.

It's not because "how the game handles the controls", it's because it's a true "fullscreen" window that skips window manager all together.

If games did the fake fullscreen window as many PC games do (maximized window without border) then the window manager key shortcuts would work.

You can however do these shortcuts on lower level than window manager by creating a pandora specific input driver perhaps. (Does pandora button work while in fullscreen game?)