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Still Fresh
Dec 13, 2006
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OK, I've been happily using the official SDK, partly because I dislike the idea of bloating programs by statically linking them, and partly because I like to be able to run on both windows and the GP2X (Yeah, I know I could set up a toolchain that would do that, but I'm lazy OK. :) ).

Anyway, I released a program, greader2x in case you're wondering, and quite a few people requested mp3/ogg playing be incorporated. OK, that sounds like a useful feature, and with SDL_Mixer, it shouldn't be too difficult. Besides, a text reader doesn't actually strain even the GP2X's resources, so playing music in the background shouldn't give a performance hit.

Well, it turns out that there is one point at which greader2x does use a significant amount of resources. Everytime it has to redraw an entire screen full of text. That causes the music in the background to stutter. Damn. So, I don't want to slow down that screen redraw, it's the one time that you want things to be fast, but I don't want the music to stutter either.

So I looked around for mp3/ogg libraries that need less resources. It turns out that someone has already created a version of SDL_Mixer that uses libmad and tremor, both of which use far less resources than smpeg and libvorbis. So, there is a way forward.

So, I set up a new toolchain with the new version of SDL_Mixer, and while I'm at it, I throw in a few other libraries. So far so good, it'll compile Guyfawkes SDLTest thingy.

Now to get to the point (who's that muttering "finally"?) the new toolchain doesn't contain SDL_inifile which I use quite a bit and when I go looking for it, there doesn't seem to be a version out there on the web that I can compile myself.

So the question is, is there a source code version of SDL_inifile anywhere that I can compile for the new toolchain, and if not, is there a similar (simple to use) alternative?

I'd rather not go writing an ini (or cfg) file parser from scratch at the moment and anyway, someone must have already solved this problem.


And if the sound still stutters, try a larger buffer size!
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