Selling... Items.


Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Just to give everyone a heads up that I'm selling all of my Sega/Nintendo stuff to whoever wants it. I have a list of my things I've compiled and I'm starting to appraise the whole thing... Hard work. I'm selling it in bits and pieces on, and whatever's left I'll shop around to local businesses and online shops.

Here's a link to the thread where I attached the most current list:

Yous all can respond there or here if you see anything you like!


Edit: OOps. Mods, feel free to move to the marketplace... :\
I've been seeking a master system with other goodies for ages now. I'm in Georgia. What's the best price for your SMS and all games/accessories for it?

Also, how much for NiGHTS on the saturn?
How much do you ask for all the saturn and dreamcast stuff? would you be willing to sell all of it and send it out to europe? I am in Germany.
I'm currently working on appraising my collection, and I've just finished with all the Nintendo-related stuff. It'll take some time to work out the final details and add some numbers up to find an average price.

I'll ship anywhere, it'll just be a bit difficult to figure shipping costs... Especially for two consoles and a ton of games for each, Saturn games are huge ;)

I'll get back to work and post some estimates in a couple of days.

Thx for the interest!
pm sent.

there has been a misunderstanding, I was more thinking the SAT and DC stuff that was in the original post.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
I've been seeking a master system with other goodies for ages now. I'm in Georgia. What's the best price for your SMS and all games/accessories for it?

Also, how much for NiGHTS on the saturn?
I have a SMS II packed in a box next to my computer that hasnt been touched since forever, and about 10 games. no controller though, i used the PCB for my GP2X D-Pad mod :(

Ill compile a list of the games if you want, PM me :)
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