Siggen And Libncurse Ported


Jul 10, 2008
well, i just finished compiling libncurse and siggen (sadly siggen doesn't fully work)
all the siggen apps and libncurse compiled statically using the open2x toolchain (without warnings or errors)

i posted here becaue it's half release and half development question. (sorry if worng place)

libncurse 5.7 - http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,8,2836
siggen - http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,8,2835

Well the thing is that siggen (only) has some problems running....but first what works.

sgen - to make noise, bother mosquitos, flies, dogs, and friends :D
   sh-3.2# ./sgen -v -s 48000 -2a sine 16000

soundinfo - displays info about the sound chip
sh-3.2# ./soundinfo
   soundinfo Ver. 2.3.10 (May 2008)  (c) 1996-2008  Jim Jackson
   MIXER DETAILS ......................
              Mixer Id = Wolfson WM9711/9Wolfson WM9711/9712
              Name = Wolfson WM9711/9712
              devmask  = 0x0007055F7
              recmask  = 0x0005051C0
              sources  = 0x000000080
           stereodevs  = 0x000405551
   MIXER capabilities  = 0x000000001

smix - for manipulating the chip's mixer. Do you remember the sound modes that the original GPH FW has? (rock,live,classic...) well it's actualy done in the mixer. The mixer has a bass and treble level, change it at you own will with this.
   sh-3.2# ./smix trebl 100 bass 70
   sh-3.2# ./smix
   Vol      76/76
   Bass     70
   Trebl   100
   Pcm      76/76
   Spkr     67
   Line     67/67   *
   Mic       0      *  <-
   CD       67/67   *
   Pcm2     67/67
   IGain    67/67   *
   Line1    67/67   *
   PhoneIn   67      *
   PhoneOut   67
   Video    67/67   *

the rest is sgen alike

As for the plorblem, if you use #siggen --help it shows the help info but if you use anything other than that it freezes with cpu at 99% until control-c'ed, does anyone have an idea of what could be causing the problem?(tryed both using the serial console and termula with same results.)