Signal 11 Error In Prboom (a New One)


Aug 24, 2007
I have a firmware rev 3.0.0 GP2x and all the files in a single directory using gmenu2x. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's wrong...

Here's the output:


Z_Init : Allocated 8064Kb zone memory
found doom2.wad
IWAD found: doom2.wad
IWAD found: doom2.wad
PrBoom (built Jan 22 2006), playing: DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
PrBoom is released under the GNU General Public license v2.0.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.
PrBoom (built Jan 22 2006), playing: DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
PrBoom is released under the GNU General Public license v2.0.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.
M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
default file: ./prboom.cfg
default file: ./prboom.cfg
I_SetRes: Using resolution 320x240
V_Init: allocate screens.
found prboom.wad
D_InitNetGame: Checking for network game.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
adding doom2.wad
adding prboom.wad

M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon -
R_LoadTrigTables: Endianness...ok.
R_InitData: Textures Flats Sprites
R_Init: R_InitPlanes R_InitLightTables R_InitSkyMap R_InitTranslationsTables
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
I_InitSound: Mix_OpenAudio(22050, 32784, 2, 128)
configured audio device with 128 samples/slice
I_InitSound: sound module ready
S_Init: Setting up sound.
S_Init: default sfx volume 4
S_Init: default sfx volume 4
HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.
I_InitGraphics: 320x240
I_UpdateVideoMode: 320x240 (fullscreen)
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11
I_ShutdownMusic: removing ./prboom-music
I_ShutdownMusic: removing ./prboom-music

Here's my cfg:


# Doom config file

# Misc settings
default_compatibility_level -1
realtic_clock_rate 100
max_player_corpse 32
flashing_hom 0
demo_insurance 2
endoom_mode 0x5
level_precache 0

# Files
# doom2.wad
wadfile_1 "prboom.wad"
wadfile_2 ""
dehfile_1 ""
dehfile_2 ""

# Game settings
[omitted for space]

# Compatibility settings
[omitted for space - all 0]

# Sound settings
sound_card -1
music_card -1
pitched_sounds 0
samplerate 22050
sfx_volume 4
music_volume 6
mus_pause_opt 2
sounddev "/dev/dsp"
snd_channels 4

# Video settings
screen_width 320
screen_height 240
fake_contrast 1
use_fullscreen 1
use_doublebuffer 1
translucency 1
tran_filter_pct 66
screenblocks 10
usegamma 3
X_options 0x0

[rest omitted for space]

Thanks in advance.
atari_eric said:
That much i figured - it's accessing memory it's not supposed to - but thanks anyway.
A wild guess from my side.
It could be that a file couldn't be loaded correctly (maybe because it is not there). I can't hardly beleive that it is an programming error (OK, not checking that the reading of a file was succesful is a programming error :) ). But I am speaking of accessing a array out of bounds or something, is unlikely because it runs for others.

I wish you lots of luck solving the problem. Maybe some1 here can help you more. ;-)
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If you can, find out what version of glibc is available in fw3, might have an explaination if it's different from 2.1.1 or others...
Hooka said:
If you can, find out what version of glibc is available in fw3, might have an explaination if it's different from 2.1.1 or others...
Would that info be in the GP2X itself? Say, mentioned in a license? Or other file accessible from USB serial?
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