Simoniz Released


Staff member
Nicosmos & Brainois released a nice homebrew game called SimOniZ.


It's a clone of the classic game Simon. You need to remember the correct colors in the correct order.

Download: SimOniZ
Nice :D

Hope it's touch screen (crosses-fingers) so I can play it with my thumbs like back in the day. Guess I'll find out after work.
I have this on the F200, it's an awesome little game. And yes, it's all touch screen. So fun.
It's great and all, but it's a shame that this is what developers have come to when developing for the Wiz...
When will we start seeing games and other homebrew apps that really use the powerful hardware?
Jest said:
Pay no attention to the whiner above me.

Very nifty stuff. =)

I'm sorry, but this isn't even news anymore. The game has been out for months. Look at the post date. LinWinWiz has been reviving OLD threads recently...
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Just got this, I never played Simon before. Good memory game with very nice graphics, thanks!

Bombs Panic looks like a nice touchscreen game too, any plans to port it to Wiz?