Smartmedia Card Icon


Aug 10, 2003
New York City
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I have Windows XP and use USB card reader to transfer files to my SmartMedia cards. I never really liked how my SmartMedia card was always refered to as "Removeable Drive F:" with a generic drive icon. So I searched for a way to change the Icon and Label of the drive and this is what I came up with:

I drew my very own SMC card icon using IconEdit32

I really like the way it came out, so now I'm putting it on the net to see if anyone else is interested in using it.
very cool! thanks JCB ... i did for the odd times i access my smc on a computer w/o servant salamander ;)

edit: works in salamander too :o
oldie but goodie!
I did that with my camerea's XD card but never thought of doing it with my gp32.
Good Job JCB
sam fisher posted on Jul 14 2005 at 05:04 PM said:
Sorry verry old! i did that the day i got my gp32. my smcs are the gp32 icon.

Ok yeah lets just kill of his self-a-steam so he runs away and never posts again.


P.S. i never thought of that bloody good ide tho.
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sam fisher posted on Jul 14 2005 at 12:04 PM said:
Sorry verry old! i did that the day i got my gp32. my smcs are the gp32 icon.

Sam - some day, when you get older and (maybe) wiser, you will see how ridiculous what you just wrote is. It serves absolutely no one.

Pretty different from what jcb wrote - which is very simple and quite useful, as a matter of fact.
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