Smartq T5 Or Dingoo?


Still Fresh
May 9, 2006
hiya all
just had a look at gbax and had a look at the smartq t5. Question is which one do you think will have the most support?

memoryex said:
hiya all
just had a look at gbax and had a look at the smartq t5. Question is which one do you think will have the most support?


I had the SmartQ T5, and I must say that it is awful. It may have a decent SNES emulator, but SmartQ has stopped updating the emulators and the firmware. Plus, there aren't enough buttons on the thing for emulators. You have to go to the menu each time you want to press start. The screen scratches too easily, and as a result I threw mine away. Get a Dingoo. Its support is growing, and I'm pretty sure its cheaper anyways.
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The Dingoo is better for support/homebrew, the T5 is better as a media player.

Now... can we get the T5 software working on the Dingoo...