SOMA (new game from the Amnesia DD guys)


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
In space no one can hear you do a whoopsie in your trousers..

"the video does not star the protagonist from the actual game, but a totally different (and minor) character. The events that occur in the trailer are not taken directly from the game either. They just showcase the kind of happenings one can expect from the final game. This means that we can give a good overview of what the game is about, without spoiling the actual game experience. But don't worry, the things in the video are very much related to the game's story. Everything you see are hints of things to come"

&  some words from the creative director

"SOMA is meant to be a proper sci-fi game, and to get that right we couldn’t let the themes be an afterthought. My favorite works of sci-fi are the ones that use fantastic worlds to probe important issues in a way that down-to-earth settings just cannot. Great sci-fi authors like Asimov, Dick and Heinlein all do this. We want to give SOMA this quality as well.

The subject that SOMA will discuss is consciousness. Personally, I find it the most profound questions that it is possible to ask. “How can the feeling of subjective experience arise from a chunk of flesh?” Exploring this further takes us to questions such as “Can machines be conscious?” and “Do we have free will?” It quickly gets very disturbing and is ideal for a futuristic horror setting. It is the kind of sci-fi that we want to make.

From the start, we knew that this could not just come through background story or dialog. We want you to PLAY through this. It must be an integral part of the gameplay and not just fluff.

Part of this comes through the game’s monsters. You will encounter a number of strange creatures, each an embodiment of an aspect of our themes. In order to survive the journey, you need to understand how they work and in the process take on extremely unsettling subjects.

Our goal is for SOMA to not just be another carnival ride of cheap scares. It is meant to chill you at the core and confront you with questions about your very existence"
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Oh well. I enjoyed all Amesia games except A Machine for Pigs - stopped after playing about 1.5hrs, that's after taking hours to figure out how to circumvent the control bug (character turning with no pad connected) and hating on the blueish tint. That's what I get for blindly preordering a game. Here's to hoping SOMA will be better. Sci-Fi at least is right up my alley. You heard that, Bioshock people? System Shock ring a bell? Damn that underwater fifties loonies stuff.</rant>
In space no one can hear you do a whoopsie in your trousers..
... neither can the rest of you when I am on the toilet posting... but when I also post this message, am I still "alone"?...

good idea behind it. Liked what I saw.
"What's this thing? I think I'll just jam it into this guys open skull"
Looks decent, hope it is a proper chiller. Looks like it might well be from the moody atmosphere of the clip, sounding good