Some Chinese Dude Rekons We Can Stay Young With Magnets..

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Hey Telstra, I Hate You.
Jun 23, 2007
lol Charters Towers sucks.
Hey all,

I was recently googling random stuff and one of my searches came up with AFFILIATE LINK REMOVED

Tell me what you think? Is it BS or could it work?
I know for a fact that magnets are good for you by increasing blood flow etc. but this dude just goes on and on about some Chi energy and some other wierd spiritual(?) stuff..

Please don't flame me for spamming I just want to know what you mob think.

Edit: lol i just noticed that the post "physical immortality" was about the same thing!
I don't believe any of that stuff.
It must do something though, I just don't know if it's good.
Attaching magnets to you all day can't be healthy.

Weird I just read that "physical immortality" post a few hours ago
Not all day.. Just while you're sleeping so he says..
I don't see how it would improve your motabolism either.

I didn't bother reading that post before i found this and posted about it and to my surprise it was about the exact same thing :-o
aaron11193 said:
I don't see how it would improve your motabolism either.

It can't.
Think about it.
If this was for real. It wouldn't be sold on the internet for $30. People would be paying millions for things like this.
It really pisses me off when people take advantage of other people's beliefs to make a quick buck.
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Senor Quack said:
Another dumb asshole poster trying (again?) to make money off us through referrals to scams.

Take a peek at the URL posted:

A completely fake twat.

Hmmm...this has changed from him trying to get our opinions to a trick to get us to visit the site.
You sneaky bugger ;)

The old thread warned of spyware.......great

EDIT: Heh, read on the site if you get 80 people to visit the site, you get a free pair of "immortality rings"
If you want to use us to get a free pair of cheap magnets, have at 'er.
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you're late the party, aaron, I already got 6 clicks from here. Anyways, I gave you one too.
I have Alex Chiu's Neodymium Rings, and I can say that they are really rejuvenating.
Today when I wore them for the first time in a while, I woke up, and I wasn't sleepy at all!
How cool is that?
Purist said:
you're late the party, aaron, I already got 6 clicks from here. Anyways, I gave you one too.
I have Alex Chiu's Neodymium Rings, and I can say that they are really rejuvenating.
Today when I wore them for the first time in a while, I woke up, and I wasn't sleepy at all!
How cool is that?
Weren't you banned?
At least aaron tries to hide the fact that he's advertising.

You really live up to your tag line.
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PlopperZ said:
Weren't you banned?
At least aaron tries to hide the fact that he's advertising.

You really live up to your tag line.
What, you prefer deception over honesty?

Unfortunately, Telcolou got annoyed with me and gave me the stupid tag.
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Purist said:
What, you prefer deception over honesty?
Ask yourself that question.

I don't appreciate when people blatantly advertise on this site. I find it insulting.
Aaron gave us a chance to state our opinions on the rings, and I guess if he can get something out of it that's good for him. I don't have a problem with that, no harm to me.
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watch this hilarious video interview with alex chui. I'm sure there's tons of fake funny stuff out there too. but heres an actual interview:

an especially telling part:

Interviewer: "Alex whats your scientific background?"

Alex: "I have none I was a chef".

i won't spoil the other funny parts

On a serious not: advertising stuff with referral links in posts is not cool and is basically spam. If you have a personal project you want to attract attention to put it in your sig and mention your site if it is relevant to a topic. It works and is unobtrusive.
This guy really is a nutcase
Check this quote from Wikipedia

...he reviewed Superman Returns and claimed that his rings could have saved Christopher Reeve, but that he denied them to him because he wanted to play the role of Superman.

I'm trying to find a transcript of that interview, it looks like it would be hilarious!
aaron11193 said:
Hey all,

I was recently googling random stuff and one of my searches came up with

Tell me what you think? Is it BS or could it work?
I know for a fact that magnets are good for you by increasing blood flow etc. but this dude just goes on and on about some Chi energy and some other wierd spiritual(?) stuff..

Please don't flame me for spamming I just want to know what you mob think.

Edit: lol i just noticed that the post "physical immortality" was about the same thing!

Total bullshit. Magnets don't have any effect on you unless you are made of steel.

They don't increase bloodflow or any other such nonsense. If these cheap refrigerator magnets increase bloodflow, than an MRI (uses super strong magnetic fields) could never be used as your blood flow would increase to the point of giving you a massive hemorrhage.

If these did anything don't you think doctors would prescribe their use for patients?

These quack devices are a big scam. I can't believe that so many fall for things like this. They belong right next to the penis enlargement pills, cure all pills, and snake oil. God people are so gullable ;)
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Haha I didn't think it would take long for somebody to point out 'Hey! That's not the URL i clicked on!'

Well my original intention was asking for opinions because the site looked a bit dodgy.. but then when i realised on the site that you could get free magnet rings (cbf making them myself.. just to test even if it is a placebo) for 80 clicks on a link i saw a perfect opportunity..
Honestly i hate spam. my mailbox is constantly full of it.

But i didn't see any harm in getting people into clicking a link unless you have a data allowance of about 2MB, which i highly doubt anybody has.. if it exists (apart from mobile phone internet)..
aaron11193 said:
But i didn't see any harm in getting people into clicking a link...
It was deceptive and opportunistic. If I were a mod here I'd have banned you for that.
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Don't worry about it. Some people just need to relax.
Next time just add "BTW I joined the Affiliate program just to test these out."
Aaron, you've been here for a while now. I'm really surprised that you're falling for such shit on a stick....and breaking the forum rules while doing it.

This is a massive scam, check the internet. What you're doing is getting money for this guy with every click of your link. To say thanks, he sends you some magnets that he gets in a hardware store for 5 dollars/ per 100.

Seriously, why is everyone so stupid? You aren't even getting money for this shit :blink:
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