Spectrum Emulators?


Hired Geek
Jul 22, 2005
York, UK
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I've recently been getting in to Spectrum games a bit more, and rather than sift through the TONNES of emulators available to find the best one, I thought I'd ask you good people. I know there are a few Speccy fans out there, so what are the best emulators to use? :)

Windows or Linux suggestions are both welcome.

fishybawb said:

I've recently been getting in to Spectrum games a bit more, and rather than sift through the TONNES of emulators available to find the best one, I thought I'd ask you good people. I know there are a few Speccy fans out there, so what are the best emulators to use? :)

Windows or Linux suggestions are both welcome.


Of course, I'd plug ZXSpin - www.zxspin.co.uk

Though it's more of a technical emulator than a gaming emulator. It is free, which Spectaculator is not. The only other one for windows that comes close to ZXSpin in terms of accuracy (and indeed, exceeds it in some regards though not in usability) is SpecEMU. Those are the top three, and no others are worth the bother imo ;-)

If you're into BASIC coding on the speccy, or development in general then you could do worse than BASin - a windows IDE for speccy development including BASIC and assembler, with all sorts of tools like a graphic/sprite editor, paintbox, PC Image-to-ZXDisplay converter amongst others...

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Thanks Dunny, ZXSpin is awesome! More features than I'll ever need, and a very nice interface :) One strangeness is that the framerate seems to spike for a few seconds when a game first starts, but that's a minor issue.

I've just discovered that A600 has ported GP2Xpectrum to the A320 too, so I can play all of the games I "discover" on the move too. Rex is bloody hard, I'll need all the playing time I can get :D