Starting Games In Caanoo-Atari Emulator


Still Fresh
May 1, 2011
I'm guessing this is extremely easy to do, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to actually start a game once I get to the title screen of an Atari 5200 cartridge rom while using the Caanoo-Atari emulator. I can load the cartridges, see the Atari loading screen, and then see the game cycle through its demo/attract modes, but I can't figure out what button, or combination of buttons to push, to actually get into the game and play.
I tried with Mario Brothers :

- enter Atari Menu
- Cartridge Management --->Insert Cartridge ---> choose the .a52 rom ---> choose type of cartridge (32kb here)
- click L trigger
- click Help II
- in the virtual keyboard, find the "$" sign using L and R triggers, then click on it (Down + A)
- the game launches

Try with other roms...

Tell the ones who don't work so we can find how to make them work...
BAFelton said:
- in the virtual keyboard, find the "$" sign using L and R triggers, then click on it (Down + A)

Worked perfectly, thanks so much!
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