Street Fighter 2 Turbo

What are you smoking?? There are no secret characters in SF2 Turbo. Later versions have Akuma in and other characters, but not Turbo. Hope this helps you :)
Oh right cheers, damn i really wishd akuma was in it coz i kick ass with him on capcom vs snk2 on ps2, are u sure ther aren't coz shudn't cammy be in the game and some other guy who ive forgotten his name???

Oh and im smokin the green stuff!!! :p
lol, so if i get super street fighter theyre there, but coz i have turbo they're not,lol, well its okay neway coz i can crack some skulls with ken instead!!
Theres loads. The best in my view are:

SF2 Turbo on SNES for the purists
SF2 Alpha in Snes9x (no need for graphics packs now :p )

and SF vs SNK 2 EX Millenium on Gamecube - really crisp :)

EDIT: The great thing with Turbo edition is combos (you'll feel good when you do one); try high aerial kick, immedialy following into a hurricane kick followed by light/medium dragon punch = instant dizzyness. (the reason for light is because you'll already be up close and personal and wont need the range :))
Right turbo is good i felt right at home when i kicked my brothers ass in bout 5-6seconds he didn't have time to move, lol, well i might look out for alpha on ebay, but im definately pleezd i only wanted akuma neway and shin akuma but ill just use ken instead no prob ther!!