swaptools by slaeshjag - Feedback


Active Member
Oct 6, 2008
Vienna, Austria
Dear slaeshjag,

thank you for offering swaptools,

a GUI app to manage swap files, so that also less tech-savvy users can enjoy the benefits of swap memory.

Here is my feedback, with some ideas for improvement and new functions:

  • Initial filepath choosing dialogues (create, activate, deactivate), should start at /media, as the user wants to create the swapfile on one of his SD-cards, and this path is nearest to his/her choice. Currently you start in the temporary appdata directory /mnt/utmp/swaptools, and if you create a swapfile there, you cannot activate this swap file, as it then resides in the union-fs /mnt/utmp/
  • For further filepath choosing dialogues, the app should remember the most recent location.
  • If you try to activate a swapfile, which is already activated, but which you may forgot, you get the confusing message that the "swapfile could not be activated". Better would be that the app tells you, that you "cannot activate it because it is already activated". Just compare the user chosen path, if it already exists within swapon -s
  • Would be even more user friendly to have the options "Activate a swapfile permanently", which activates the swapfile upon every boot, simply by adding it to /etc/fstab or one of into a custom starting script (with a remark "# Entry generated by swaptools.pnd", should you or another sysadmin edit the according files with another tool). And of course the corresponding option "Deactivate a swapfile permanently", which removes the entry from the fstab or related boot scripts.

Regards, porg
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If you made that update, I think swaptools would be worthy to be mentioned and explained at http://pandorawiki.org/Swap

Could help a lot of users.

As swap is a necessity for a crash-free Pandora use of memory hungry apps, such as web browsers, and improves stability as a web browsing device tremendously!
I also uses the swap tool pretty often when I browse with Firefox. Since the new Super Zaxxon Firmware update and its ZRam, I can use FF without Swap File but I have not tested if a swap file can still improve the usability of the Browser in addition to ZRam.

I'm also for remembering the last save location of the swap file. A more precise Size selection when creating a swap would be nice too, I remember I never got my wanted size of 256 MB because I was not able to adjust the slider that precise. :D Now I have a 255MB Swap file, how uneven... ;)
Also, as this pnd is very small and very useful, why not include it in the firmware ?
+1 !

I admit that I'm a n00b but I find myself every time use that little "top" command (I only know 3 o 4 "Linux gibberish words", that's all, sorry) to check mi memory/swap status. Am I becoming a memory paranoid?
@crono: As you Pandorian physician, I have to say you show worrying signs of memory paranoia! Check with your local physician! ;-)