Text color change in Minimenu?


Still Fresh
Nov 5, 2008
I was trying out Minimenu and I think I'd rather use it most of the time but when I bring up the menu with the Select button, I have a very hard time seeing what option I've selected when I scroll down the list as the color of the selected option is too similar to the non-selected option color. Maybe it's my red-green color blindness at work but I was hoping I could change the selected options's color to white or yellow. Can it be done and if so, how would I go about it?
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I have the same problem and also suffer from red-green colour blindness.
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The way that colour is chosen is sort of goofy, and I can see how it would fall under the radar of folks with that eyeball .. I'll make a note to make it skinnable easier, so at least it could be fiddled with easier by skinners.

Maybe I shoudl try to build a color picker in so user can override skin choices, too.

The way it is chosen now is the skin specified colour for the grid-font is used (I think), but it ignores the Red portion or somethign to generate the 'selection highligjt' colour or something like that; the theme's mmskin.conf specifies the colours (look for entries like ..._r, ..._g, ..._b for the r/g/b values). You could duplicate the skin onto your SD and then edit the mmskin.conf and thus avoid breaking the skin on nand .. see the minimenu skinning guide I put up ages ago.
