The Official Gaming Communication Thread


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Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home
Hellolo, as some of us are playing still some Games, i think this might be a good place for general discussions,
Please note that your Progress still belongs in the "What game have you playing this Weekend" Thread ..

So lets getting startet:

As i think i got a different Neo Geo Bios File on Pyra im now able to play some Metal Slug, but i got an Game Over on First Atempt, maybe the Diviculty Level "MVS" wasnt a good idea?
Was MVS the Arcade Version on the Neo Geo? , i think the next time i will try to play on "Easy" and whit Savestates..
Yes, the "MVS" (Multi-Video-System) was the original name of the arcade version of the Neo-Geo. The home version was called the AES.
Another option you can try is to play it with an arcade bios and set it in "free play" (or just keep adding coins).
I think i will test the MVS Bios when im on the Go on Thursday..

Just begun Fable II on Weekend, quite nice Xbox RPG, the Charakter Style is a bit different from Fable I, and i have to figure out where to buy Healing Poisions, (Heiltränke), and an Armor..
The new Mechanics whit the Dog and the Wheel Menue for Emotes is much better than on Fable I...

Its a n XBOX 360 Game, so it want run on Pyra.. for the next few 2 Months Cycles..
You still have a 360 that hasn't RRODed itself yet? Or are you playing the PC port of it. I bought a 360 after they claimed first time they'd resolved the issue (might have been the xephyr edition, but I'm not sure) but after a few months even that RRODed itself.
No I use the backwards compabillity feature of the Series X

Edit: and I have an idea for the Pyra: I will search for Homebrew Roms from Gameboy to Dreamcast ^^.
But in a extra folder..
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You still have a 360 that hasn't RRODed itself yet? Or are you playing the PC port of it. I bought a 360 after they claimed first time they'd resolved the issue (might have been the xephyr edition, but I'm not sure) but after a few months even that RRODed itself.
My first xbox 360 had a RROD but it was replaced by Microsoft with a more recent model, and that one still works. I also have a even more later model which also still works.
My first phat PS3 had the YLOD and that one I replaced myself with the newer slim model. I got the phat for backwards compatibility reasons but turns out I rather have a functioning PS3.

We should have an Open-Pandora / Pyra emulator on Xbox Series-X, it can probably handle that, it supports keyboard and mouse so even those games should work.
My last Xbox had an Issue whit the Updater, it’s the Xbox One X, but I ditnt wanted to screw around whit Offline Updates and lost half day updating whit the risk that it’s fail again, so i decided to update to the Next Gen..

The good thing on the Xbox is the good backward compabillty , you could even play Xbox 1 Games..
Befor I bought the One, I only had Handhelds, Switch and PS2 , so I want to play at least a few Xbox Classics like Fable 1 and 2 and Halo .., .
I just changed the Bios Type on the NEO GEO Emulator to MVS, now the Coin Button works so maybe i could play trough the wole Metal Slug Games on this System?
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