Thoughts On Less Than Perfect Emulation


Aug 18, 2003
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I bought my GP32 a few years ago - and like many others I bought for one purpose... handheld emulation. I don't remember - but I don't think I expected perfect SNES emulation, but I did expect pretty much perfect GB/GBC-emulation.
Until this day niether of above has reached "perfect" state... and thank god for that :)

I've realised that if SNES and GB-emulation had been perfect, I would probably never have bothered with anything else. I've been emulating SNES on PC for many years - I played emulated SNES a lot more on my PC than I played "real" PC games.
However NOT having proper SNES-emulation on the GP32 have actually forced me to venture into (for me) unknown territory...

I came to appreciate PC-Engine, SMS and to some extend Atari ST. SMS impressed the hell out of me - I seriously can't believe this is 8-bit graphics. I used to own an Amiga and thus I could appreciate Atari ST... The PC-Engine, which has become my favorite now, has seriously opened my eyes to a genre I previously hated... shooters.
This has also made the newly perfected Mega Drive emulation a lot more interesting. There are quite a few cool shooters for that machine... though (my opinion) not as many as for the PC Engine.

At the moment I'm using my GP for Mega Drive emulation. I don't even bother with SNES anymore, Not that much because of speed, but I just find the lacking 2 buttons problematic... but I don't miss it.

With the new handheld like the DS and PSP - when homebrew-development will surface, SNES-emulation and below will be expected to be perfect... But people will probably hope for N64-emulation and PSX-emulation and not give it much notice.

Anyway.... This was just my random thoughts.... or rant if you will
Staying on topic...

Ringo, that's an excellent point and I'm glad you brought it up. I fully agree. There is a lot of other amazing stuff around that sometimes goes unnoticed.

Why bother whining about perfect SNES or GBA emulation when there is so much other stuff to play?

For example, I just installed the new Pituka Amstrad emu, which is a whole other world of great games to discover!
gaterooze posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
Staying on topic...

It's hard to stay on topic, but I agrrrrrrrrreeeee! DrMD is awesome......wait, that's not the topic.......... well, it's bad that there is no SNES emulation, but it really makes you use other emus.
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your right man. All i grew up with was a c64 and gen. i never even heard of the pce. the gp32 has realy oppened up my eyes to all the great old games and systems. even for the ol'64 ive been playing games i never heard of.

only thing its missing is a ps2/xbox emu :lol:.

Ringo posted on Apr 19 2005 at 05:35 AM said:
gesh... What's up with the hijack?

Reesy already started a thread about DrMD
oh, I guess it's possible to mention an emulator in several threads, especially when the topic is different ;)
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ack Ringo, realy feel partialy the same, especialy zx and pc-engine, i dont think i would ever have lookd into what that machine had/haves to offer. I initialy bought my gp mostly for multimedial purpose and homebrew, emulation was never the top argument. But now gp have shown me great stuff on prevously barly known/unknown machins. Many thanks for that to all the great coders, you are the ones that make the gp the most beautiful hadnheld in the world. Also to all that are only about emulation, dont forget that the gp haves much more to offer, try the great homebrew.

ps: i still wont mind better gb/c emulation, espacialy proper savestates :-) dont care much about snes emu. and thank you onionfrog for ruining the topic start :-/
bourbon posted on Apr 19 2005 at 02:59 AM said:
your right man. All i grew up with was a c64 and gen. i never even heard of the pce. the gp32 has realy oppened up my eyes to all the great old games and systems. even for the ol'64 ive been playing games i never heard of.

only thing its missing is a ps2/xbox emu :lol:.


I love the GP32 also because of the range of games and emulators. Growing up i had a Speccy then a Gameboy and Megadrive then Atari ST.

All the other emulators are brilliant to try and finding out the great games on those systems is brilliant. The PC Engine is one of my favourites but i also like trying older Atari games or the MSX.

Thanks to emulation i've appreciated more the C64 and the Amstrad once i use that more. Atari ST is one of the best though, the game compilations you can get for this are awesome.

But those PC engine games, brilliant !! Awesome arcade conversions. Even if another emulator doesnt get made i've still got thousands of games to potentially try.
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Yeah, the MSX is much under-rated. Early games were very basic but by the end of the computer's lifespan stuff like Metal Gear 2 and Snatcher were really very impressive. But the PC Engine has probably impressed me most...Ringo is right...sooo many great shooters for that system! Pity there's no CD support though, because many of its best games were CD-only :(

Strangely enough I was looking forward to the PC Engine emulator more than SNES or Megadrive, partially because I'd never really played it before and had heard how good it was through recomendations and magazines like Edge. So I guess it wasn't really a surprise to me...although it did surpass my expectations.
genre difference really make or break a console... pc engine in japan then had a fair share of market, and mega drive had a tough fight with it!

outside japan, mega drive seem to dominate (before snes came out)..

i was so curious about the pc engine console that i bought off one from ebay just to see the thing and how it works :P

now i'm glad i can carry it around *tk goodness gpengine*...
Huxley posted on Apr 19 2005 at 11:14 AM said:
Yeah, the MSX is much under-rated. Early games were very basic but by the end of the computer's lifespan stuff like Metal Gear 2 and Snatcher were really very impressive. But the PC Engine has probably impressed me most...Ringo is right...sooo many great shooters for that system! Pity there's no CD support though, because many of its best games were CD-only :(

Strangely enough I was looking forward to the PC Engine emulator more than SNES or Megadrive, partially because I'd never really played it before and had heard how good it was through recomendations and magazines like Edge. So I guess it wasn't really a surprise to me...although it did surpass my expectations.

Difficult to explain but often i love the simple looking version of a great arcade game on either the Speccy, C64 or MSX.

The MSX has a lot of very good arcade games, to me playability is #1 so thats why i'm not so fussed about amazing graphics or tunes. Bombjack on the Spectrum is brilliant and is one game i play a ton. But yeah the MSX does feature a lot of very good games.

I really like the retro games on the mono Gameboy also !! To me its weird playing games on that in colour !!
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Yeah, it does suck that SNES, GBA, GB/C, LYNX, AMIGA emulation isn't perfect, but it can or will be. I play whatever good games I can find and don't play just emu's or homebrew, but I'm grateful for both.
Yeah, there's a lot a game, official and homebrew...
But i grow up with the SNES, i just could be the happiest man on the whole earth if an SNES emu with DrMD qualities...