Transistor is here.. and it's superb!


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
Anybody who is on the fence.. get off & buy! you won't regret it, as great as Bastion is (& it really is) this is the better game as far as I'm concerned.. one of, if not THE best game of 2014 so far imho.

I could go on eulogising, but TotalBiscuit probably put's it better..

You owe it to yourself
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I'd love to play this on my Windows laptop connected to my TV, but it kind of has a lot of input lag, and using a wireless controller with it doesn't help. Could you give any commentary on how bad that'd be for a game like this?

Too bad it's not out for XBox 360.. and I don't think I'll be buying a PS4 just for this game :/
Supergiant Games makes cool games but there are always some details annoiyng me. Like naming the sword thing "transistor". I don't like it when somebody gives someting a toally unrelated name just because it sounds cool, or is there a reason for it? Nevermind I enjoyed Basion for its gamepaly and artstyle and I'll play Transistor eventually but for now I decided to go for Killer is Dead instead. ; )

By the way it remands me a bit of Raido the Universe... the dark cyberpunk setting and so... (I backed it of couse) - its gonna be totally awesome!  ; )

