Release Trigger Rally


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Trigger Rally, a Single player Game, with source and data opensource.

And a video of the gameplay on the OpenPandora by Ingoreis

The game is ported to OpenGLES, using eglport from Pickle. All works (but I found the detail texture dancing a bit, especially when very close, but I assumed is a driver limitation).

It's fluid on CC and Gigahertz (I have put a default overclock at 800MHz). If you want, you can play with FSAA (Full Screen Anti-Aliasing, smooth edge), by creating a file named eglconfig.cfg and putting

"use_fsaa=4" (whithout the quote). It's still fluid on a gigahertz with this setting (didn't tried on CC or Rebirth with fsaa).

As usual unfortunatly for Gigahertz, using default driver will give you visual artefact with vegetation (seems related to alpha discard + depth testing), and updated driver 4.03.002 is advised.

At launch, I force Mouse on Left Nub and button on Right Nub, so left nub can be use as analog control.

Controls are:

DPad / Left Nub : Steering

{X} : Accelerate

{A} : Brake

{B} : Handbrake

{Y} : Recover

C : Change camera

To navigate in the menus, use the touchscreen.

For thoses interested, sources are here:

Go beat the chrono.
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Great :)

Seems to suffer from the driverbug with the blocky textures though :(
This texture corruption could be caused by the tiled renderer of the sgx. Lunixbochs tried to track it down as it also happens on a lot of libGL stuff but didn't succeed to find out what really causes this.

It seems to happen when a texture is repeated too many times. It even affects 2d titles.
This texture corruption could be caused by the tiled renderer of the sgx. Lunixbochs tried to track it down as it also happens on a lot of libGL stuff but didn't succeed to find out what really causes this.

It seems to happen when a texture is repeated too many times. It even affects 2d titles.
The detail texture used in this game is repeated many time, for sure. Basically, the detail texture is a small (128x128 IIRC) texture, loaded in texture unit 1, and apply on every tile that make the ground (using multitexturing,with combiner set to ADD_SIGNED for RGB and MODULATE for Alpha), so yes, it's repeated a huge amount of time!
I know it is offtopic, but I noticed this in the new mupen build, too.

But now back on topic. :)
This is nice! Best racing simulation on the Pandora!  Running through cactuses like butter!  Awesome :) Thanks ptitSeb!
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I went back and forth with IMG a bit. We're pretty sure it's a precision issue. The general idea to fix it: try to keep numbers passed to the driver small (and close together), maybe do matrix transforms before you send verts to the driver.

It's really nasty if you pass vertex coords like (-2000, -2000) with a glTransform(2000, 2000); - hence the local matrix math idea.
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I went back and forth with IMG a bit. We're pretty sure it's a precision issue. The general idea to fix it: try to keep numbers passed to the driver small (and close together), maybe do matrix transforms before you send verts to the driver.

It's really nasty if you pass vertex coords like (-2000, -2000) with a glTransform(2000, 2000); - hence the local matrix math idea.
Thanks, I'll take a look. Unfortunately, the terrain drawing routine is the most complicated one of the game, but it's probably using large vertex coordinates yes. I'll see how I can hack some coordinate transformation localy to the terrain rendering without altering the whole engine.

*EDIT*: @lunixboch, in fact I have a doubt.

What your are saying is that

1. I shouldn't use Matrix transform for World coord using GLES driver, and instead grab the Transformation matrix (with a glGetFloatfv), load indentity matrix instead, and do the transformation of vertex data myself


2. I shouldn't have a world too big,The 1. is easier, but that would be a strange bug. Also, if it's 1, do you think it's only on the vertex coord, or also can trigger on texture coord?
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Looks promising, but I couldn't do a miniscule corner and head on straight afterwards if my life depended on it, the car would get uncontrollable after a few moments - that's using the d-pad. I only tried what looked like a VW Golf, the red car.
Yep, controls need a time to get used to, and so is the physics. All in all, it plays pretty well, but you have to get used to the controls. After that period (well, just a few races), it get fun.
Put on 1st post and on the repo.

Some tips: look at map and go to the red point, that's the next checkpoint. Try to follow the road, aa the car flips flip easily on bumpu terrain.