U.S. Jet Bombs England


Jul 25, 2003
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States Air Force says it is investigating how one of its fighter jets dropped an unarmed bomb on the Yorkshire countryside last week.

There were no injuries and only "limited property damage" in the incident which happened around 5:15 p.m. last Thursday, a USAF spokesman said.

The 25 lb practice bomb was dropped by a F-15E Strike Eagle on a routine training run from a base at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, eastern England.

The bomb landed in a "sparsely-populated area" near the town of Market Weighton in Yorkshire, the spokesman added.

"Trained and experienced base personnel including Ministry of Defence, and local constabulary authorities responded to the scene and an investigation team is determining the cause the incident," the spokesman said.

La mujer de una familia de clase media fue secuestrada en la puerta de su casa y llevada hacia un lugar desconocido.

Su familia se asustó ante el monto del rescate, inalcanzable para ellos, que los secuestradores pidieron el día siguiente.

La vacilación de la familia enfureció a los malhechores, que horas más tarde llevaron su rehén de vuelta a la puerta de su casa y la fusilaron ante los ojos incrédulos de algunos vecinos.

I sware, i'm almost afraid to live here, the US intelligence agency or whoever the hell makes these decisions are complete brainless morons. Bush could go down as being one of the worst presidents in all of history.
yeah it's bad enough that every time we help them they kill more of us than the enemy do! But attacking us at home really takes the piss!

I see two possibillities here

1)he got lost enroute to bagdhad!
2)he thought the sheep on the moor were hiding taliban! (remember them?)

oh and I heard the bomb was infact live but just failed to detonate being as it didn't hit a british tank!