Uhu White Tack In Denmark ?


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2003
Just installed my replacement glass screen from mashmods on my gp32 flu.
Colors seem a bit cleaner (blueish hue is gone) but the "#¤%¤ doublesided tape got messed up a bit when I removed the grey plastic cover so it won't stick properly now.

I've seen UHI White Tack recomended as a replacement for the tape - does anyone know what name this stuff goes by in Denmark and where I might find it ?


Thought about super glue but I'd like to be able to remove the cover again later for cleaning, repairs or whatever - just in case...

Try the shit that plumbers stick around pipes and stuff. Not sure what it's called, just go to a hardware shop and have a look around for anything that might fit.
:blink: If we're talking about the same Plumber's Putty, steer clear of it. Should be a little like Miliput I think.....
Simple double sided tape should do the trick; I have actually never taken apart my beloved GP32, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

Little additional service: White Glue in different languages, maybe there's one you recognise ;)
Colla Vinilica
Cola blanca
Cole P.V.A.

It's the stuff you probably used in Kindergarten or in school to glue something. White, slightly thick and dries to a consistency of vulcanised egg white (don't ask).
Det hedder bare dobbelt-klæbende tape og koster ikke alverden :D
Det er i hvertfald hvad jeg har købt (jeg havde en eller anden idé om at jeg ville tætte min GP32 skærm for at der ikke kom støv i den... men jeg den er endnu uåbnet)
Topcat posted on May 13 2004 at 05:24 AM said:
ja at vi er et par danskere herinde ;)
..og måske nogle af dem vil synes det er fedt at www.gp32.dk er online igen !!!!!
hmm... Får godt nok stadig en page not found...

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The reason I want to use the white tack stuff instead of regular double sided tape is to prevent dust from reentering after putting it back together.....

oh well

If you do not plan on removing that screen ever again, try a two part epoxy putty, like Kneadadite or Miliput, or even the mentioned plumber's putty. You might also see it under the name of green stuff (sticky and a little like bubble gum), white stuff (hardens to a porcelain-like consistency, I would not use it for this one) or brown stuff (can take sharp edges and hardens really well).
If you don`t care for the looks, why don't you just attach the screen normally and use a little tape around the grey plastic thingy? If you use high quality tape and don't tug on it, it should work.