Ummm I Need Help


Still Fresh
Jun 23, 2004
I just barrowed my friends gp32 thinking I wanted to test drive it for a weekened before a big buy. I was playing with the smc and deleted it. From that point it kept booting directly to Dark Fader's link prog (v1.01). Now I have done alot of research and found that Dark Faders stuff deals with formating the firmware and stuff so I know I can't blame anyone but my friend and I but I would like a little help. When I was useing it before I killed the SMC it booted to Pacrom I belive. But I thought even after I killed the smc Pacrom would run. I can't figure this out and it gives me such a headache. Lets see hmmm......

Well I ended up asking my brother for help and I thought we ruined the SMC. Lucky me it seems he was just putting the card in backwards. So we are back to where we started a freshly formatted card and a GP32 that boots directly to a Link Prog of no escape.... I am lost and confused!!!!