Beta Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator (Uade)


Active Member
Oct 18, 2005
Worcester, UK
I've statically linked the binary (for simplicity at this stage) and just need someone to check if it works on a Pandora (or Beagle Board). I've also included a test track so you don't need to go hunting for a MOD file. Please let me know if it works, how well and what's wrong if anything. Also check the README.
I don't have anything to test it with until the Pandora comes out. But I look forward to trying this out!

I tried running this the other day but I have no idea what it really does or should do. I figured out how to correct the path it looked for except it keeps adding an extra directory in the path that doesn't exist. I probably just don't know what to type exactly but no directory called score exists when I selected that mod file. What exactly should I be typing to hear some music?
./uade123 --basedir=./ <name of the tracker file, e.g. tune.mod>

The --basedir is needed as normally it looks for a /usr/share/uade2 folder with the eagleplayers folder in and some other files. I've honestly never tried it with a different basedir before, theoretically it should work but I can't test it.
There is one included, it's called "mod.jagtitle" (Amiga files had a habit of having the filetype as a prefix rather than suffix).

Looks like score was missing from the archive, I've added it now if you can re-download. Sorry about that.
Sorry, still no luck.

[root@pandora uade-0.01]# [root@pandora uade-0.01]# ./uade123 --basedir=/mnt/mmc/uade-0.01 mod.jagtitle
uade: Could not execute /usr/local/pandora/arm-2007q3/lib/uade2/uadecore: No such file or directory

It still seems linked to your usr directory and not freely to where I have the files on the SD card.
MWeston said:
Sorry, still no luck.

[root@pandora uade-0.01]# [root@pandora uade-0.01]# ./uade123 --basedir=/mnt/mmc/uade-0.01 mod.jagtitle
uade: Could not execute /usr/local/pandora/arm-2007q3/lib/uade2/uadecore: No such file or directory

It still seems linked to your usr directory and not freely to where I have the files on the SD card.

Ok, looks like it need another override as it expects uadecore to always be in /usr/lib/uade2/uadecore, '-u' overrides this.

Try this instead:

./uade123 --basedir=/mnt/mmc/uade-0.01 -u ./uadecore mod.jagtitle

Should (hopefully) work.
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That's strange, that means it's working but it's got nothing left to play. Leave it for now then and I'll work on it when I get my Pandora, hard to do via proxy. Been in touch with the dev of the app though to get it to work nicer with paths other than the system default ones which will help.