usb ethernet driver ?

It should already be supported in the 3.2 kernel.. unless you're working with the old kernel on a CC or rebirth pandora.

Just clearing up the obvious.. did you enable the USB port? it's disabled for power savings by default, also are you on the latest SuperZaxxon 1.54 firmware?

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Oh man, this looks too cool.  I really need to buy this product and try it out.  It says that it's a USB 2.0 device...all you need to do is just "enable USB-host" from the taskbar and it should work...?...  I'm excited.  Could help out some when I'm on a LAN and my wifi strength is a bit iffy.

I'd just like to see how ibasaw gets on with this before I pull out my credit card again...

Edit 1:   B) 'd by these (products) DO work.  Nice.   :)
update:  sinds asix works out of the box, I just tried to get my Atheros wireless usb working, here are the pitfalls:

1. open a xterm console, cd to your card (write to your nand as little as possible).

2. lsmod > 1.before.txt

3. Enable USB-Host

4. lsmod > 2.usb.txt

5. plug it into usb

6. lsmod > 3.after.txt

7. diff 2.usb.txt 3.after.txt (check if a module loaded automatically)

8. dmesg > dmesg.txt (check the bottom of the text, it should contain something about a new usb device)

9. sudo su  (need to be root for this)

10. find / > allfiles.txt  (you can search and grep in this file, handy)

Well, it got detected, but I was missing the line "usb 2-1.2.4: firmware: agent loaded carl9170-1.fw into memory" (which was on my Debian machine)

So, I just copied the file from /lib/firmware/ on the Debian to /lib/firmware/ on the Pandora (no recompile or tricks, just copy the file over)

After re-plugging it in, "ls /sys/class/net" showed a new wlan1 and wireless started on its own "ifconfig". Did not need an ifup command.

Driver is /lib/modules/3.2.39/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath.ko (for asix it is /lib/modules/3.2.39/kernel/drivers/net/usb/asix.ko)

TIP: check /usr/pandora/scripts/ to see how the pandora does it. (and /etc/init.d/wl1251-init)

good luck!

If the .ko file is not there...

Should it not work out of the box, then the challenges are:

Try compiling it on a big linux machine. ( or more generic: Then, on the pandora, copy the .ko's over.

heh, and here I thought I was first post...
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After having enabled usb-host, click on the network manager icon, and click on bnep0.
thank you very much, it works

i enabled usb host, connect the usb and activate the bnep0 and thats it !