Vendor And Product Id's


Nov 8, 2010
Need some help here. I'm working with a particular operating system and computer developer (can't say..............yet), and need to check on something.

I need to check if the vendor ID and product ID of all Caanoos are the same, when acting as a USB client..

Product ID: 0xa4a5
Vendor ID: 0x0525 (PLX Technology, Inc.)

Does this match for others? Also, though not required, but does it match for the Wiz also?
Matches for me. One thing though .. isn't the VID coming from the USB-gadget driver on the Caanoo? That is, it could change .. I think .. depending on the gadget driver loaded.
Probably is, but it shouldn't change, if it's too follow USB specs..
OS X Lion will have this built into it, a specialized USB driver to fix unmounting problems, in upcoming updates.