Video Editor?

I'm all for openness - doing yer own thang - milking a product for more than it's worth and all...

but this idea would be a little less crazy if the thing actually had a built in camera....

just sayin'...
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chad78 said:
I'm all for openness - doing yer own thang - milking a product for more than it's worth and all...

but this idea would be a little less crazy if the thing actually had a built in camera....

just sayin'...
{edit - double post}
Coming from the person who's been championing the idea of Ubuntu on Pandora, and today started a thread listing all the non-gaming apps that we might like. Quick to pooh-pooh on someone else's party, aren't we? :p

To be honest, I don't know of too many video editing devices with built in cameras. That includes my desktop computer.
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Gruso said:
Coming from the person who's been championing the idea of Ubuntu on Pandora, and today started a thread listing all the non-gaming apps that we might like. Quick to pooh-pooh on someone else's party, aren't we? :p

To be honest, I don't know of too many video editing devices with built in cameras. That includes my desktop computer.
Yeah - but your desktop computer / video editor is a bit faster than 600 Mhz - (or even 900 Mhz) - isn't it? With a couple dozen (or more) Gigabytes of storage... Maybe a half a gig or RAM, or better, yes? And, um, it doesn't run off of a battery, right? So long render times can be done without risk of a mid-term shutdown.

My personal video editing device *does* have a built-in camera. All MacBooks do. And, yes, my dual-core 2.2 Ghz machine with its 4 GB of RAM and hundreds of gigs of storage does just fine on rendering. (And, no, it's not running off the battery when I'm editing... usually.)

But all of that aside - if you want a mobile video editing station, you *probably* need a little more power. If you are just messing around with video and don't want to buy a more powerful portable, then you might be better served just waiting until you get back to your desktop to do your editing. I'm not saying you can't do this. I'm not saying no one should use their Pandora for video editing.

Like I said, I'm all for doing whatever... But, seriously... It's not built for that. Could it be possible? Anythings possible. Is it logical? not to me. but hey - dig that well with a toothpick - go right ahead.
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Grab from camera -> trim with lightweight app - > upload to Youtube/equivalent. It would be a perfect app for Pandora. In fact, the more you decry it, the more I love it.

[insert wall of text here]

:p x 127
Complain about somethig i dont understand.
Brag about my E-Peen Hardware.
Belittle people.
End post with scarcasm.
<insert gap of serveral posts>
Somebody corrects the rampant supidity of above post
Not post in thread again.

Hell good idea.
Rick said:
I think the idea with the most merit here has got to be Geuben's suggestion of a simple timeline cropper. There wouldn't really be any number crunching involved, since you're mainly talking about deleting unwanted data, and then updating the file index/headers, and you're not re-encoding, so you can do a direct stream copy. You wouldn't really need a GUI for that because it's so simple, so you could have the video full screen, solving the size issue.

At a guess, stick for skipping through it, one button to mark start, one to mark end, another to save?

Just ideas, just ideas...
Well, you still face the RAM problem since you need to load data into the RAM to crop it as you will want to know what you are doing. Also you might want to undelete stuff that you fooked up and that also takes a load of memory. Correct me if I am wrong please.

I think it could be done if someone worked out a snazzy caching system but it's still a considerable obstacle. Would be a cool piece of kit though.

@chad78: What's with the profile picture?
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xnopasaranx said:
@chad78: What's with the profile picture?
There are a lot of people whose profile pic in some way mocks/pays homage to Craigix's profile pic. So I decided to make my own homage to the GP32X Certified ;) Guru badge.

The original was the same size as the badge, so if you can't read it, it says:

"Certifiable 8^) Chad" -- well, it actually says "Chad Chad" because I couldn't think of something to replace GURU. So, yeah, it's pretty dumb, but it's better than looking at my ugly mug.
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Insanemal said:
Complain about somethig i dont understand.

I understand video editing. I'm no expert, but I know it's hardware intensive.

Brag about my E-Peen Hardware.

How many times have I given the specs on my MacBook, since you've been following my posts so carefully?

My point was not to brag about my hardware. It was to point out that it is vastly different from the Pandora. It's a consumer model laptop. It's not even the top of the line MacBook, much less a MacBook Pro - or any other professional level laptop. But the specs are far better than the Pandora. My point was to show how much power it does take to do video editing. Not that it takes more than your average recently made computer - but it does take more than a handheld device can offer.

That and to directly reply to the comment that was made that Gruso doesn't know of too many video editing devices that have a camera. All MacBooks, (and MBP, and iMacs) come with both a built-in camera, and a powerful video editor (iMovie). The MacBooks and MBPs are portable, so they make a more direct comparison to the Pandora (in this regard) than an iMac. The Eee PC, which most models have a web cam, is more powerful than the Pandora. Does it have video editing software? (I'm not assuming, or wiki searching - I'm asking because I don't actually know.)

Belittle people.
No, that's obviously your job.

End post with scarcasm.

If it illustrates my point, yes.


<insert gap of serveral posts>
Somebody corrects the rampant supidity of above post
Not post in thread again.

Yes, there is some rampant supidity in the above post. Now, will you follow the pattern?
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